This is the first video that I had trouble listening to. I agree with you when you speak about medicine. I have trouble listening when I hear you label people, even though I may agree with you.. Please speak your truth and avoid becoming like others, especially the one's you have described on social media. Thank you for listening.

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

On the 1 hand — Vinay Prasad is obviously brilliant and on the cutting edge of "real" research ( and more important than that — true valid research methods that are all-too-often ignored by "researchers"). I fully acknowledge that I have learned a LOT from his comments in the brief months that I have received the free newsletter — and he has truly opened my eyes to many important concepts (especially regarding Covid). In essence — I AGREE with virtually all of his comments on the facts about what we do and do not know about Covid. THANK YOU Dr. Prasad for this!

On the other hand — as a medical educator with national experience extending over 4 decades — I find his approach at times frankly abrasive. Now being "abrasive" is not necessarily bad, if it serves the much needed purpose of opening the eyes of those who should know better but who remain "stuck" in old concepts that no longer make sense. But for example — I had trouble even getting through his most recent 18-minute tirade of anecdotal criticism about things "he is thankful for" — in which (in my opinion) — his commentary suffers from the same thing he criticizes, namely a lack of specific data to support his tirade. (I KNOW he has the data — because he has presented it many times previously — but his points in this most recent video could have been much better made without the sarcasm of case after case of "one doctor did this — and another did that"). And in this (as well as some prior episodes) — specific NAMES of national figures are openly criticized in a derogatory manner. This does not "win friends" among the "higher powers" which are those that you hope to influence. An "ounce" more of tact in how the fallacies of current policy is brought to light would go a LONG way (in my opinion) to greater acceptance by those who NEED to listen if meaningful change is to take place. Open attack gains followers — but in the long run may be counterproductive to achieving the goals of meaningful change that ALL of us have. That said — I emphasize that Vinay Prasad is brilliant — and I highly value the factual content of his innovative and impressively logical ideas! THANK YOU for listening to my feedback — which I truly mean to be constructive!

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Ahhh…one of the beauties of being human is that we each can be our authentic selves.

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I'm thankful for you speaking out.

Fkn love you (and ZD)!

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As some one who just turned 65 and now have all the sudden become “older” any chance you have time to address how we should look at Covid and flu shots? For example I got a flu shot but declined the 65+ shot because it was only because I turned 65 this year and no one could tell me anything other than as you age your immune system weakens so let’s give you four times the dose. Also have four doses of Covid vax and had Covid in September but the bivalent is being pushed as I’m over 65. Please note I’m healthy, exercise very regularly and have no underlying conditions

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Totally agree. Also with the part about commenting more on recs for those over 65. I fall into that category, have had first two vaxes and one booster. Bad reactions to all. I’ve been exposed to covid many times including from my husband, have never isolated much and still haven’t tested positive. But aside from questions abt myself, I’d like to learn some solid recs for the “senior” age group. I can’t seem to find information from the scientists and mds I respect.

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So on point. Thank you Vinay! Sadly I can’t say I’m thankful for not knowing anyone with deranged covid thoughts. I live in an apartment building surrounded by masked weirdos. Riding the elevator without my mask on is frequently a tense experience.

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Where can I find the names of these docs, please

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