I remember 20 years ago not paying any attention to or even caring about what was red vs blue; not due to ignorance but due to the fact that caring for patients was my point. Color didn’t matter. Now I look at at the state of some in the field of medicine and am glad I’m retired. It’s disgusting to see this type of polarization. Or sad. Or both.

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Just have to go to blue states for conferences on abortion... meanwhile have to go to red states for conferences on effective respiratory pandemic management.

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Oh, are these states placing restrictions on medically-necessary abortions required to save the actual life of the woman? No? (No.) Then stop being such drama queens. Can you even imagine wanting one of these losers to be your physician, knowing how much they despise a) babies and b) anyone who votes different than them? Tell them all to turn in their licenses and go take up the life of a SJW instead. Good earth.

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Even in the state with the strictest restrictions on abortion, Alabama, there is an exception for emergencies that affect the mother. So safety can’t even be listed as a potential reason for this boycotting absurdity.

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Yet no boycotts over lack of data transparency. Guess what happens when Pfizer vaccine data obtained by lawsuit is independently analyzed?:


It's not like there are several signals of fraud or anything like that...

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I have boycotted professional organizations that embrace DEI. The science community has forever been inclusive and about science. I find it appalling that they are embracing nonsensical victim mentality and white supremacy constructs into the meritocracy that was once science. The young scientist have been indoctrinated to believe in the boogey man. This boogey man oppresses them even thought they are PHD scientist with successful careers and at a national academy meeting? Can they not see themselves in the mirror and see success? Cannot anyone see the value in gratitude?

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Or maybe the boycotters are a small vocal minority we should ignore.

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Honestly, I find most leftist positions these days to be all about virtue signaling (think Facebook profile pic badges). And they're all held with a religious devotion, which is why leftists tend to dominate politically - politics are their religion, where as conservatives save their religious fervor for religion.

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This is somewhat like when MLB moved the All-Star Game out of Atlanta over the false Jim Crow on Steroids voting laws. The morons who run baseball moved the game to Denver, CO, which has voting laws similar if not “worse” than Georgia. The people this hurt the most were the businesses in predominantly black Atlanta that would have profited from the ASG. And of course, after there was record turnout for subsequent elections, you heard crickets from MLB, Biden, Harris, Abrams et al. Virtue signaling at its “finest.”

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The biggest risk anyone has attending a conference in a large city in a red or blue state is being gratuitously stabbed or shot.

What happened to abortion as safe and rare ? Now it is referred to as "healthcare" and "reproductive rights". Such a travesty when so many young accomplished and professional women are not having babies because it is so strongly discouraged by their residency programs and / or the businesses they work for.

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This argument that pregnant people will bleed to death if they miscarry and need a d&c is just bizarre to me. I’ve been a nurse for 33 years I’ve never heard that referred to as an abortion. Or an ectopic. This fear mongering by abortion advocates in the medical field is just so strange.

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"face a risk of death that would be different than had the conference been in San Francisco, the event should be boycotted for safety."...I would say San Francisco could be dangerous at this time. Maybe if you never leave the conference center, you are safe. I used to think medicine had a higher level of care for the world. It seems that medicine has been lost. I appreciate your honesty and integrity in your approach. We need you at the helm of our powerful medical policy institutions (not that you would want that per se?).

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Wait. What? How can this be? Virtue signaling is the primary attribute of our ABMS medical boards and the AMA! So pay up, doctor, or else!

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Wait, someone would rather come to San Francisco to have a conference than a red state just in case they need an abortion? Seriously - you're more likely to get mugged in SF, robbed, have your car broken into while you're in it.... If I were pregnant, I would NOT go to SF for my safety and that of my child.

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Reminds of your story of a doctor arguing with a patient who wore a Maga hat. Also, it's ironic that doctors argue about "someone could die" without ever mentioning that a baby WILL die in an abortion. Oh right, it's not a baby. My bad. Its Just a clump of cells until birth right? That birth canal sure is magical. Follow the science people.

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The beauty of feeling morally superior is that it doesn't cost anything or inconvenience you in any way.

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