If the 19080's Childhood Vaccine protection Act had not been passed there would be VERY FEW vaccines being given to kids so one should ask why is that?

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Since it's infiltration, the In short, the CDC’s number one priority has been to establish a process that is directly aimed at ensuring as many vaccines as possible are added to the mandatory childhood vaccine list since these are protected from any liability by the government and thus are guaranteed sources of income for teh pharmaceutical industry with zero risk.

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The scope of activity for CDC also needs to be cut back. Returning it to the original mission of focusing on infectious diseases and toxicology while eliminating its assumed role in examining things such as "social determinants," etc. would refocus the agency.

The Ninth and Tenth Amendment limits on agency power also need to be clarified and reinforced. The federal government has NO general police power, which is the root of public health authority. It needs to be explicitly written into law that CDC's authority is limited to dealing with border health issues and acting internally as a *subordinate* to state health departments and only at the invitation of the state departments. It needs to be specifically stated that it has NO authority to issue internal public health orders or regulations. It should not be given the authority to issue grants to state or local governments in order to eliminate the buy local policy authority.

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I agree that Dr. Walensky's improvement goals for the CDC do not even begin to address the agency's biggest problems.

For any readers interested in watching ACIP in action there is a meeting tomorrow to review COVID-19 vaccine safety, efficacy and future policy recommendations. The agenda and live-stream link can be found here https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/index.html

Consider posting a comment for the committee members, too. I'd love for them to hear from readers of Sensible Medicine. Directions are copied below.

From ACIP's website:

Any member of the public can submit a written public comment to ACIP by submitting to the docket, identified by Docket No. CDC-2023-0028. Written comments must be received by April 19, 2023, using the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow the instructions for submitting comments. All submissions received must include the agency name and Docket Number.

All relevant comments received will be posted without change to https://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. For access to the docket or to read background documents or comments received, go to https://www.regulations.gov.

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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023

I agree that corruption in the CDC is a serious problem. Here are two steps I would take to address it:

1) CDC employees who worked on particular issues at the CDC should be barred for life for working for private sector companies affected by the guidance or regulations they worked on. For example, employees should not be able to work on vaccine recommendations at the CDC and then go to work for vaccine divisions of pharmaceutical companies (a la Julie Gerberding). This is a clear conflict of interest and a recipe for corruption.

2) The CDC currently is in charge of vaccine safety AND in charge of encouraging vaccine uptake. (If you read the HHS strategic plan, you will see that they have several goals of increasing use of specific vaccines.)

This is a clear conflict of interest. How can they honestly voice concerns about vaccine safety while also doing there best to urge Americans to get the vaccines? To accomplish the second goal, they need to cover up and downplay vaccine safety concerns. It’s the fox guarding the henhouse.

These two functions need to be housed in separate agencies.

I’m sure there are many other changes needed, but these are the first two that come to mind.

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Isn’t this all a moot point anyway? The WHO will be taking over soon. God help us all!

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Abolish it , altogether. The current CDC, and the government that supports it, is so corrupt, it cannot be reformed.

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CDC. Isn't it their job to quickly act upon a health threat? To do/learn about scientific findings, RTCs? To analyze the organism? To tell the people (even those who don't have computers, wifi, televisions) in their findings? To guide in how to protect themselves and others? To follow the disease progress and adjust their directions accordingly? Isn't all of that is why this institution exists?

I'm just a lay person, knowing {} that much about CDC, but ........ They actually vote? "Recommendation votes on mpox vaccine are scheduled." Those people don't 'know' what should be done?

CDC = Creating Doubt Chaotically

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It appears that the people in charge at the CDC don’t read the latest literature on the subjects they are supposed to be expert in. Where are the pediatricians who sit on their organizational entities to counter the idiocy of the CDC?

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The AAP and the establishment pediatricians (which are the only ones who would ever get on these panels) are the worst of the specialties in terms of government capture. As Vinay often notes, the recitations of the AAP are usually awful and regularly anathema. There were pediatricians there at the committees -- they are the biggest cheerleaders of doing whatever the Biden administration promotes. Of course, it does not hurt that a major share of pediatrician income is vaccinations -- whether they are actual vaccines or not.

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The biggest place we can all start is by supporting Robert Kennedy Jr for POTUS because he is the only candidate with the true understanding of the deep corruption within the CDC and the courage to do something about it. He’s been in the fight for over 20 yrs now. This article was originally printed in Rolling Stone:


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And if you’d like to see all the FOIAed docs and email evidence, please read all chapters here. If a link doesn’t work, go to a different capture date in Wayback for same website.


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The Question Is Not

“How Could Gene Manipulation Damage A Person?”

The Question Is - How Could It Not ?

And If That Wasn’t The First Question Asked,

It Had To Be The Second ..


“What Is The Worst Idea A Human Could Have? “

Followed Closely By

“What Does My Doctor Think?”

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The CDC has just over 12,000 employees with an annual salary budget of over $1.1 billion and it can not get the reporting and interpretation of data right? The vaccine safety surveillance system is 30 years old. V-safe being the only new smart phone biased addition, despite new products that have been developed to make reporting AE better. AE cases were not properly medically vetted. The use of claims made to Medicare was used to follow AE in seniors when claims made data is known to be slow and inaccurate.

Data collection in some cases is antiquated. When I was working for my county on COVID outbreaks we had to call and fax air travel cases to the CDC Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ) a clumsy and inefficient way to share data for input.

This is a working definition of a bureaucracy at its most ineffective. I agree with the author: data collection, interpretation and policy formulating should not be done by the same agency. Dr Walensky has her work cut out for her to overhaul the CDC. A lot of longterm employees will likely push back, so will the White House who during both administrations controlled CDCs messaging.

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where to start? Disband FDA and CDC entirely and fire everyone who works there. Let a couple or three years pass and then MAYBE start a new agency with the following rules:

1) Anyone who worked for FDA or CDC previously cannot work at the new agency

2) Anyone who has worked for any Pharma company cannot work at the new agency

3) If you work for the new agency, you must sign an agreement that states you will never work for a Pharma company in the future

4) The new agency cannot take any funds from Pharma

5) People who work at the new agency and the agency itself cannot receive any funds from the sale of any Pharma product (e.g. NO "royalties" on vaccines or other drugs)

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The CDC brand is so badly damaged it may be beyond repair. One place it could start is to issue guidelines in accordance with the process used by almost all medical professional societies - with Class of Recommendation (I, IIa, IIb, III) and Level of Evidence (A, B, C). Most CDC recommendations should have been weak CoR IIb - LOE C, which would have been difficult to gov't to turn into ineffective and harmful mandates.

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Absolutely no 'may' about it.

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Another needed reform - vaccine advisory panels should consist entirely of people with no financial conflicts of interest with the vaccine industry. This will be needed to break the perception of regulatory capture.

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023

As expected, a joke of a review. They ignore the critical issues of their performance during Covid to focus on safe topics like "communication". If Walensky wanted a real review, she would ask the CDC's toughest critics to participate and make the process itself transparent. No way is she going to risk that because that will expose uncomfortable truths like how the CDC leadership was politicized, cowardly, incompetent, or all of the above.

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