No Like for you today, Vinay. Your influence will depend upon the rhetorical power of your arguments, not the vehemence of your rancor. Pull your toe out of the septic tank of name-calling and credentialism in which swim so many public political commentators. You have always been much much better than that so please get back there. Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Please! There are too few like you and Mandrola and enough haters.

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Vinay, you and other (Makary, ZDogg, Offit, et al) are the reasonable ones. But I blame those w/ credentials who didn't take a stand. Those who had a voice but was too afraid to rock the boat. Those who stood by as soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen lost their jobs. As doctors and nurses were pilloried and fired. They stood silent as baby's were jabbed. They stood by as the Political Far Left CDC and FDA allowed the good names of the institution to be in ashes. And for that, I will NEVER forgive those who chose to remain silent. How true is "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing." We're living it. We'll continue to live with it as young adults "die suddenly" again and again. And so I WANT MY POUND OF FLESH.

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Apr 8, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023

Interesting that someone who "s**** all over tech people" then complains about the softness of his field. At least some of those tech people understand probabilities.

Outsiders might do some good. They might do more good than members of a field with thousands of years of entrenchment can imagine.

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Vinay, You give them way, way too much credit. They were not trying to help...they have no idea what helping is. They are trying to be popular/rich/whatever. Topol is a perfect example...hardly anything correct has ever passed his lips (I believe we both have personal experience). But he is guaranteed to support the Left wing diktats so he is elevated to prominence both positionally and politically.

Politics contaminates and generally destroys most everything...and, sadly, left wing politics does that so much more completely than right wing because the purveyors are so entirely sanctimonious that they cannot believe they are not "better than you" and "smarter than you" and that you should just shut up and follow their diktats.

We have all been had for a very long time. I suppose the real question is, as both left and right are pretty disgusted, what do we do about it all?

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Meanwhile the entire healthcare industry, big pharma, big food, and science itself has taken a huge hit that, at least for this GenX, will place a larger than I wish lack of trust in them.

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So where does that leave medicine? The 'in the trenches' hospice, home health, clinics, hospitals, etc. They are the only ones left standing (in my neck of the woods). They are standing (up) for masking. Who are they listening to? Why do they become so self righteous when their beliefs are challenged? They are stubborn, closed minded, arrogant, misled. Who is medicine?

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Not directly related to this post and maybe not in your wheelhouse, but would love Sensible Medicine's take on the Makena and mifepristone controversies.

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Oakland just extended mandatory masking in city spaces through June.

Check out Oakland council member Rebecca Kaplan’s delusional and patronizing reasoning in the article below.


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Of course this includes libraries, so kids are still REQUIRED to mask in Oakland.

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