Instead of a Broadway cruise I think there should be a Doctor cruise. A cruise for free-thinking people who are interested in the complications of the Covid story. Dr. Vinay and Dr. Jay and Dr. Leslie Bienen to name a few.
And Meghan Daum must come as well.
We are longing for this.
Even a hotel on dry land would be swell for this gathering.
Vinay sees the world and realizes that the SF Bay (and California more generally nowadays) is essentially an open air BlackRock propaganda testing lab.
Thank you for writing this article! It is so true. I moved to Boston from Denmark 1.5 year ago to be absolutely chocked on covid policy because it was very different and in my opinion often meaningless and not good for kids. You should visit Denmark more often😊 , you would probaly also agree with the director of The Danish Health Agency☺️
Many thanks, Vinay. I believe that you hit the nail on the head -- The Trump Effect! Those on the left continue to cling to the same endorsements of lockdowns, masking and vaccines for everyone in part because these stands were taken to oppose Trump. This is another and particularly lamentable outcome of the Trump Derangement Syndrome. For physicians who really should be open to new and fresh ideas to continue to be so rigid is deeply troubling to me. I am a retired physician and continue to be amazed that in my home city, Houston, TX, the only institutions in the whole city where masking is required are doctor's offices and hospitals. Our profession has already lost so much respect and most physicians are not willing to think and speak independently, to their discredit.
Normalcy in the US and many other countries is not predicated by evidence or common sense but by how much political capital can be generated by their policies, as inane as they might be. The inability to acknowledge that the other side may actually be right is weighing our country down right now. Been through this before and can only hope that a leader emerges who is strong enough to bring this country back to sensibility. Have not seen them yet but will keep positive. Thanks Vinay
Instead of a Broadway cruise I think there should be a Doctor cruise. A cruise for free-thinking people who are interested in the complications of the Covid story. Dr. Vinay and Dr. Jay and Dr. Leslie Bienen to name a few.
And Meghan Daum must come as well.
We are longing for this.
Even a hotel on dry land would be swell for this gathering.
Vinay sees the world and realizes that the SF Bay (and California more generally nowadays) is essentially an open air BlackRock propaganda testing lab.
Thank you for writing this article! It is so true. I moved to Boston from Denmark 1.5 year ago to be absolutely chocked on covid policy because it was very different and in my opinion often meaningless and not good for kids. You should visit Denmark more often😊 , you would probaly also agree with the director of The Danish Health Agency☺️
Denmark truly follows evidence based medicine, we do not.
Many thanks, Vinay. I believe that you hit the nail on the head -- The Trump Effect! Those on the left continue to cling to the same endorsements of lockdowns, masking and vaccines for everyone in part because these stands were taken to oppose Trump. This is another and particularly lamentable outcome of the Trump Derangement Syndrome. For physicians who really should be open to new and fresh ideas to continue to be so rigid is deeply troubling to me. I am a retired physician and continue to be amazed that in my home city, Houston, TX, the only institutions in the whole city where masking is required are doctor's offices and hospitals. Our profession has already lost so much respect and most physicians are not willing to think and speak independently, to their discredit.
Sure it's crazy. Until you follow the money. That's at the top level fda/cdc et al. The rest? Indoctrinated to virtue signal or die. And here we are.
Normalcy in the US and many other countries is not predicated by evidence or common sense but by how much political capital can be generated by their policies, as inane as they might be. The inability to acknowledge that the other side may actually be right is weighing our country down right now. Been through this before and can only hope that a leader emerges who is strong enough to bring this country back to sensibility. Have not seen them yet but will keep positive. Thanks Vinay
(Sorry for pushing send too fast. I plead cat interference.)
My comment: the ‘Progressives’ figure out that Donald Trump still lives rent-free in their heads, their stupid covid policies will persist.
Enjoyed reading. Nice everyone has not gone looney with this stuff.
The use of masks and the necessity to vaccinate have made me leave my nursing job. So being of retiring age, I have retired.
As I have said to friends and colleagues: the love of the job is not there anymore. I suppose you can say that Covid won!
Australia (govt) in all its wisdom has always and still follows US of A recommendations hence the above decision made by me.
I am still amazed (and disappointed) on how we are controlled by Covid. 3 years on and we in Australia cannot get back to normality.
Please send in the Danes and you Dr. Prasad!