I guess it depends on what we mean by forgiveness. You can forgive a thief, but you may not let them back in your home. Which is along the lines of what you were saying about serially unreliable thinkers no longer have the right to influence policy.
Also forgiveness is not always deserved. Jesus forgave those responsible for crucifying him. Forgiveness can benefit the person forgiving in ways the forgiven person may never experience.
In the case of Scott Galloway, I respect his apology for his admittedly wrong stance and influence on lockdowns.
I’d like to hear him give his view about his past comments of harsh judgement and calls to fire the unvaccinated. And his reflection on why he got things wrong, when and how he came to realise he got it wrong, who he didn’t listen to that he wished he would have paid more attention to, and what he would do differently if faced with a new emerging situation.
I’ve read estimates of Galloway’s net worth as between $30-100 million. If he wants forgiveness, he can start by compensating the people damaged by the severely flawed Covid policies for which he vociferously advocated, including those middle class people who lost their jobs. But he won’t, because as he admits, he’s greedy.
From an article about him in Forbes: “Asked if he considers himself primarily an academic, investor, pundit or entrepreneur, Galloway calls himself a teacher. “The other stuff is just a function of my ADD and my desire to have homes in Manhattan and in Delray Beach,” he quips.”
Please reference him saying the unvaccinated should be fired! Otherwise you are FOS! Sorry for utilizing harsh judgment but reading a lot of the commenters here had made me want to call out the know it all monday morning QBS here.
Hi James, it’s a tweet on 22nd October 2021 from the twitter account of Pivot podcast, which is co-hosted by Scott Galloway. The tweet reads as follows:
‘@profgalloway thinks that if you refuse to get vaccinated for Covid-19, you shouldn't expect to keep your job: "We have put people in prison for a lot less than what we're asking citizens to do here."
My “friends” want to move on. I never will. It is too important an issue to sweep it under the rug. How can they learn from their mistakes if they don’t acknowledge them? I don’t trust it won’t happen again if their failures are not admitted. The next time could be worse too. Nope not moving on. I believe they will never admit they were wrong!
Why is there no accountability for getting it wrong, no fines , no jail time, no job loss ... cause honestly all those things happened to many who had it right while standing up to “group think” bs
What is truly shameful — even criminal — is how people who spoke up with facts like these (such as Dr. Joseph Mercola and the group of 12 doctors whose name eludes me right now) have been slandered and ruined. The New York Times did a hatchet piece on Mercola that ran on its front page, labeling him as “the most dangerous medical disinformer in the world.” Google and Facebook buried his content in their search engines, and he has been financially ruined and utterly discredited for saying exactly what you’ve written here. The government lackies of Big Pharma also used the Covid disinformation scare to put the final nails in the coffins of the nutritional supplement industry and alternative medicine. And now the FDA, CDC, and other protectors of public health are wondering why no one trusts them anymore — and why people aren’t lining up to get their next boosters. It has been the crime of the century (in a century entirely riddled with systemic crimes against freedoms).
It's pretty amazing how much people had been relying on Google for visitors. Mercola definitely took a very quick hit when Google buried him. Dr. Berg just got hit by youtube a couple of weeks ago for his keto diet/IF youtube videos.
I’m a mother to 3 amazing adult children and 3 grandchildren. COVID’s draconian measures destroyed my family, all of them live in LA as my husband & I live out in the country. We made a visit to see my oldest & wife as I wanted to hold my 3rd newborn grandchild. The day in LA was particularly, hot as the heat didn’t make me feel good. We knocked on the door to be let in, but my son refused to let me stay in the cool house as his in-laws were allowed too. He escorted us to the back yard as I asked if we could come inside as it was hot and I needed a break from the heat. He then blew into a violent screaming at me to get out as my two grandchildren were scared as they witness their father, my son be brutal telling ne to get out, get out. His wife & in laws watched from the 2nd story as I was in a state of shock as I exited out the back yard. My husband was there but was helpless. I didn’t speak for several days as I couldn’t process what had happened to me and the terrified looks by my grandchildren. I had been encouraged to file elder abuse with enhancement against my son. I chose not to as I’m a mother I gave him chance. That was 2 1/2 years ago. Out of the 5 grandparents, I’m the only one that has “rules” if I come to their house and I can only come if invited. Since then, I’ve been left out of family, especially the holidays. My son called me a week ago telling me, he & his wife planned a vacation for thanksgiving , which was to be my time with the grandkids. I’m devastated as I haven’t been able it’s them for any length of time since Covid(over 2 years). I never quite my adult kids but I have no hope for things to return to the way it was before Covid. I would add as well, as a teacher for special needs , it’s destroyed their education, time lost. Thank you for letting me write this as I need to return to my students and hold back my tears. 🙏🏻❤️
I am a registered nurse , spending 35 years of my career in the Operating room. Having said that I consider myself, somewhat, an expert in masking. During the pandemic the masking mandates were a source of irritation and annoyance to me. First of all we were asking people to wear masks who had no idea of the proper wear and safety . Adults and children were wearing the same cloth mask for days at a time when they should have been changed , approximately , every 2 hours. As soon as a cloth mask is applied to the face it starts to draw moisture and not only loses it’s effectiveness but will trap bacteria . I was constantly seeing hands , that had touched every doorknob and structure in their path, go up to their face and touch the mask to adjust it, placing bacteria right over their nose. It is my opinion that the masks actually helped to spread the virus. Social distancing and clean hands should have been reinforced over and over. As far as keeping children out of school? That went on way too long.
How about the plastic particles from the silly paper face diapers? Just went for a sports physical at a walk-in clinic where they'd reinstated mask requirements. The receptionist quietly handed me one and I was about to explode when I noticed she had hers down around her chin, below her mouth. Ohhh, okay! Message received. I kept mine below my nose for 95% of the visit and no one called me out. What complete and total theatre.
During the heart of the plandemic, I remember going to the doctor's office and once back in the examination room, the doctor telling me it was OK to take off my mask. Message received. But why did people who knew better go along with it for so long? I guess most people want to go along to get along. Human nature can have dire ramifications/consequences.
Not sure why more in the medical community don't know this. I'm a nurse as well and I can't believe how "sold" my fellow coworkers are on masks and how much they push them on our patients. They're disgusting when not used properly and I too believe only cause more harm than good.
Zero forgiveness or grace from my family for the covid tyrants and grifters or for the everyday covid cult member. Their actions, behaviors and words have permanently damaged and changed society and have destroyed relationships and injured people financially to the point that recovery will never fully happen. They have injured and traumatized the psyche of those that had to endure watching loved ones being intentionally isolated to die alone and scared. Or for people who were refused the ability to advocate for family members during medical appointments, treatments and hospitalization. They cheered and championed destroying childhood and learning for the children in our country. They wanted people who made personal medical and life decisions for themselves to be forced to partake in damaging experimental injections, to be refused all medical care and banned from society. They wanted us jobless, homeless and destitute. Careers were destroyed all in the name of their tyrannical pursuits. To this day, there are still employers across all industries requiring the injection even with the knowledge that it doesn't work and is not safe and effective. There are desperate people that need transplants being denied lifesaving transplants for not taking the experimental injection. Even when it's been shown the mRNA material is being found in organs and causing damage. People are still being told they are crazy or conspiracy theorist when they present with newly acquired medical issues after being injected. People across all age groups are suffering "cardiac events" or my personal favorite "sudden adult death". The list goes on and on but you get my point by now. My husband underwent treatment for stage 3B kidney cancer ALONE while I sat in a car in the parking lot alone and worried or dropped him off curbside like luggage at the hospital to have his kidney removed. I had full blown sepsis in 2021. I spent a week in ICU isolated and a scarlett letter on my door that I was unvaccinated. That had Zero to do with why I had sepsis or for my treatment. And after telling me I came withing 24-48 hrs of death when I was admitted, they refused to let my husband see me. We had to sell our dream home and property in NW Connecticut (that we purchased at the end of 2019 when relocating for my husband's job), where we thought we would eventually retire, and then had to relocate to a less desirable area 1,500 miles away and start over. We lost financially in a HUGE way thanks to mandates and lockdowns. That's the tip of the iceberg for our personal experience. Pissed, bitter and unforgiving is my current state and unfortunately, these covid fools will never accept responsibility or pay for their actions.
This! All of this is something that should NEVER be forgotten or forgiven. It's not enough to say "we didn't know" or "oops". So many lives were destroyed and so many tragedies bestowed upon us. So sorry you have gone through what you went through.
This has nothing to do with someone "believing as I do" and everything to do with actions, behaviors and tyrannical behavior. Perhaps, you are one of the covid cult and took offense to my comment because it struck a nerve. Who knows or cares really? You walk your path and I will walk mine. 😉
Forgiveness requires 1) an actual admission of fault and 2) an apology to those damaged by the action.
He, and others like him, have done neither.
"I was doing my best" is not an apology, it is an excuse.
"I had good/noble/save le kids intentions" is also not an apology, it is an excuse.
"I/we didn't know better/le novel virus" is also an excuse.
Also, "the perceived safety outweighed the harms" is not an admission of fault, it is a shitty way of trying to continue to claim that you were not "wrong" and that your actions were not technically the "incorrect choice," you're just being gracious to all the freedumb-loving right wingers that were butthurt by losing their businesses, trampled by police horses, and estranged from their families.
Show me a single, actual, real admission of fault + apology and I'll happily forgive them.
Barring that, I hope they suffer. A lot. For a long time. And hurt. And live in anguish and despair. And are remembered as the tyrants and animals that they are, their names petrified in the mud and shit of history.
The only thing that will cause forgiveness is a full scale inquiry into the issue and prosecution of the criminals, especially at the pharmaceutical companies, like Pfizer, who is already known for many egregious criminal offenses, who ripped off the entire globe by weaponizing medicine against anyone who would dare to question a consensus that neither exists nor could exist.
"Doctors and ‘experts’ who got COVID policy wrong are asking for forgiveness. Their errors hurt children— resulting in massive learning losses— and caused broader destabilization to the economy, work life, social communities and more. Do they deserve forgiveness? And, why did they err in the first place?"
Forgive them for backing tyranny? No! They got paid for their devotion to a fraudulent narrative. It wasn't an error, it was a choice motivated by greed and narcissism.
Of course they should not be forgiven. They intentionally increased their power and abused it. This is not a matter of "we didn't know", it's a matter of "we didn't know, but we didn't care, we were going to force people to do what we told them to do because WE HAD THE POWER".
The powers that be are still trying to impose professional discipline on physicians that resisted Groupthink and took contrary positions like Peter McCullough, Dr. Kory, etc. It just seems to me that Galloway and his ilk are asking for what they would not grant others.
Yeah, Will's made a few comments which have led me to think he's woke. VP, you're exactly right: groupthink. I was sad to see so many doctors get caught up in it during the COVID racket. As we say in the South, he was "shucked-and-jived" by all the physicians who chose politics over clinical reasoning.
I guess it depends on what we mean by forgiveness. You can forgive a thief, but you may not let them back in your home. Which is along the lines of what you were saying about serially unreliable thinkers no longer have the right to influence policy.
Also forgiveness is not always deserved. Jesus forgave those responsible for crucifying him. Forgiveness can benefit the person forgiving in ways the forgiven person may never experience.
In the case of Scott Galloway, I respect his apology for his admittedly wrong stance and influence on lockdowns.
I’d like to hear him give his view about his past comments of harsh judgement and calls to fire the unvaccinated. And his reflection on why he got things wrong, when and how he came to realise he got it wrong, who he didn’t listen to that he wished he would have paid more attention to, and what he would do differently if faced with a new emerging situation.
I’ve read estimates of Galloway’s net worth as between $30-100 million. If he wants forgiveness, he can start by compensating the people damaged by the severely flawed Covid policies for which he vociferously advocated, including those middle class people who lost their jobs. But he won’t, because as he admits, he’s greedy.
From an article about him in Forbes: “Asked if he considers himself primarily an academic, investor, pundit or entrepreneur, Galloway calls himself a teacher. “The other stuff is just a function of my ADD and my desire to have homes in Manhattan and in Delray Beach,” he quips.”
Forgiveness and trust are two different things. We can forgive these folks and be wise enough to not trust them.
Please reference him saying the unvaccinated should be fired! Otherwise you are FOS! Sorry for utilizing harsh judgment but reading a lot of the commenters here had made me want to call out the know it all monday morning QBS here.
Sure, James. Good to have things referenced. Will this do, James?
James? Oh James? Where’s ur apology to Paul K? The irony...
Twitter is not a reliable source, its even less now its X. So not clicking on a russian propaganda site, but you go right ahead comrades!
Hi James, it’s a tweet on 22nd October 2021 from the twitter account of Pivot podcast, which is co-hosted by Scott Galloway. The tweet reads as follows:
‘@profgalloway thinks that if you refuse to get vaccinated for Covid-19, you shouldn't expect to keep your job: "We have put people in prison for a lot less than what we're asking citizens to do here."
Listen to Pivot: apple.co/3nhSYYe ‘
The tweet has an image attached of another quote of Scott Galloway taken presumably from that Pivot podcast episode released on 22nd October 2021:
‘ "We keep talking about the Great Resignation. You know what? I'd like to see the Great Firing."
-Scott Galloway, Pivot Co-Host ‘
Hope that helps.
My “friends” want to move on. I never will. It is too important an issue to sweep it under the rug. How can they learn from their mistakes if they don’t acknowledge them? I don’t trust it won’t happen again if their failures are not admitted. The next time could be worse too. Nope not moving on. I believe they will never admit they were wrong!
Why is there no accountability for getting it wrong, no fines , no jail time, no job loss ... cause honestly all those things happened to many who had it right while standing up to “group think” bs
Protected class?
What is truly shameful — even criminal — is how people who spoke up with facts like these (such as Dr. Joseph Mercola and the group of 12 doctors whose name eludes me right now) have been slandered and ruined. The New York Times did a hatchet piece on Mercola that ran on its front page, labeling him as “the most dangerous medical disinformer in the world.” Google and Facebook buried his content in their search engines, and he has been financially ruined and utterly discredited for saying exactly what you’ve written here. The government lackies of Big Pharma also used the Covid disinformation scare to put the final nails in the coffins of the nutritional supplement industry and alternative medicine. And now the FDA, CDC, and other protectors of public health are wondering why no one trusts them anymore — and why people aren’t lining up to get their next boosters. It has been the crime of the century (in a century entirely riddled with systemic crimes against freedoms).
It's pretty amazing how much people had been relying on Google for visitors. Mercola definitely took a very quick hit when Google buried him. Dr. Berg just got hit by youtube a couple of weeks ago for his keto diet/IF youtube videos.
I’m a mother to 3 amazing adult children and 3 grandchildren. COVID’s draconian measures destroyed my family, all of them live in LA as my husband & I live out in the country. We made a visit to see my oldest & wife as I wanted to hold my 3rd newborn grandchild. The day in LA was particularly, hot as the heat didn’t make me feel good. We knocked on the door to be let in, but my son refused to let me stay in the cool house as his in-laws were allowed too. He escorted us to the back yard as I asked if we could come inside as it was hot and I needed a break from the heat. He then blew into a violent screaming at me to get out as my two grandchildren were scared as they witness their father, my son be brutal telling ne to get out, get out. His wife & in laws watched from the 2nd story as I was in a state of shock as I exited out the back yard. My husband was there but was helpless. I didn’t speak for several days as I couldn’t process what had happened to me and the terrified looks by my grandchildren. I had been encouraged to file elder abuse with enhancement against my son. I chose not to as I’m a mother I gave him chance. That was 2 1/2 years ago. Out of the 5 grandparents, I’m the only one that has “rules” if I come to their house and I can only come if invited. Since then, I’ve been left out of family, especially the holidays. My son called me a week ago telling me, he & his wife planned a vacation for thanksgiving , which was to be my time with the grandkids. I’m devastated as I haven’t been able it’s them for any length of time since Covid(over 2 years). I never quite my adult kids but I have no hope for things to return to the way it was before Covid. I would add as well, as a teacher for special needs , it’s destroyed their education, time lost. Thank you for letting me write this as I need to return to my students and hold back my tears. 🙏🏻❤️
I am a registered nurse , spending 35 years of my career in the Operating room. Having said that I consider myself, somewhat, an expert in masking. During the pandemic the masking mandates were a source of irritation and annoyance to me. First of all we were asking people to wear masks who had no idea of the proper wear and safety . Adults and children were wearing the same cloth mask for days at a time when they should have been changed , approximately , every 2 hours. As soon as a cloth mask is applied to the face it starts to draw moisture and not only loses it’s effectiveness but will trap bacteria . I was constantly seeing hands , that had touched every doorknob and structure in their path, go up to their face and touch the mask to adjust it, placing bacteria right over their nose. It is my opinion that the masks actually helped to spread the virus. Social distancing and clean hands should have been reinforced over and over. As far as keeping children out of school? That went on way too long.
How about the plastic particles from the silly paper face diapers? Just went for a sports physical at a walk-in clinic where they'd reinstated mask requirements. The receptionist quietly handed me one and I was about to explode when I noticed she had hers down around her chin, below her mouth. Ohhh, okay! Message received. I kept mine below my nose for 95% of the visit and no one called me out. What complete and total theatre.
During the heart of the plandemic, I remember going to the doctor's office and once back in the examination room, the doctor telling me it was OK to take off my mask. Message received. But why did people who knew better go along with it for so long? I guess most people want to go along to get along. Human nature can have dire ramifications/consequences.
The disposable masks actually make me sneeze within about 5 minutes. Cloth ones don't, so it's not just that something's on my face.
Not sure why more in the medical community don't know this. I'm a nurse as well and I can't believe how "sold" my fellow coworkers are on masks and how much they push them on our patients. They're disgusting when not used properly and I too believe only cause more harm than good.
Zero forgiveness or grace from my family for the covid tyrants and grifters or for the everyday covid cult member. Their actions, behaviors and words have permanently damaged and changed society and have destroyed relationships and injured people financially to the point that recovery will never fully happen. They have injured and traumatized the psyche of those that had to endure watching loved ones being intentionally isolated to die alone and scared. Or for people who were refused the ability to advocate for family members during medical appointments, treatments and hospitalization. They cheered and championed destroying childhood and learning for the children in our country. They wanted people who made personal medical and life decisions for themselves to be forced to partake in damaging experimental injections, to be refused all medical care and banned from society. They wanted us jobless, homeless and destitute. Careers were destroyed all in the name of their tyrannical pursuits. To this day, there are still employers across all industries requiring the injection even with the knowledge that it doesn't work and is not safe and effective. There are desperate people that need transplants being denied lifesaving transplants for not taking the experimental injection. Even when it's been shown the mRNA material is being found in organs and causing damage. People are still being told they are crazy or conspiracy theorist when they present with newly acquired medical issues after being injected. People across all age groups are suffering "cardiac events" or my personal favorite "sudden adult death". The list goes on and on but you get my point by now. My husband underwent treatment for stage 3B kidney cancer ALONE while I sat in a car in the parking lot alone and worried or dropped him off curbside like luggage at the hospital to have his kidney removed. I had full blown sepsis in 2021. I spent a week in ICU isolated and a scarlett letter on my door that I was unvaccinated. That had Zero to do with why I had sepsis or for my treatment. And after telling me I came withing 24-48 hrs of death when I was admitted, they refused to let my husband see me. We had to sell our dream home and property in NW Connecticut (that we purchased at the end of 2019 when relocating for my husband's job), where we thought we would eventually retire, and then had to relocate to a less desirable area 1,500 miles away and start over. We lost financially in a HUGE way thanks to mandates and lockdowns. That's the tip of the iceberg for our personal experience. Pissed, bitter and unforgiving is my current state and unfortunately, these covid fools will never accept responsibility or pay for their actions.
This! All of this is something that should NEVER be forgotten or forgiven. It's not enough to say "we didn't know" or "oops". So many lives were destroyed and so many tragedies bestowed upon us. So sorry you have gone through what you went through.
Just as god intended, no forgiveness for ANYONE that doesn't believe as you do! You go girl!
This has nothing to do with someone "believing as I do" and everything to do with actions, behaviors and tyrannical behavior. Perhaps, you are one of the covid cult and took offense to my comment because it struck a nerve. Who knows or cares really? You walk your path and I will walk mine. 😉
Forgiveness requires 1) an actual admission of fault and 2) an apology to those damaged by the action.
He, and others like him, have done neither.
"I was doing my best" is not an apology, it is an excuse.
"I had good/noble/save le kids intentions" is also not an apology, it is an excuse.
"I/we didn't know better/le novel virus" is also an excuse.
Also, "the perceived safety outweighed the harms" is not an admission of fault, it is a shitty way of trying to continue to claim that you were not "wrong" and that your actions were not technically the "incorrect choice," you're just being gracious to all the freedumb-loving right wingers that were butthurt by losing their businesses, trampled by police horses, and estranged from their families.
Show me a single, actual, real admission of fault + apology and I'll happily forgive them.
Barring that, I hope they suffer. A lot. For a long time. And hurt. And live in anguish and despair. And are remembered as the tyrants and animals that they are, their names petrified in the mud and shit of history.
I like your EYE fir an Eye approach, I hope those idiots suffer too. Wish all people had your clairvoyance!
Think of me as an avenging angel if angels told dick jokes and didn't wash their bra for weeks.
The only thing that will cause forgiveness is a full scale inquiry into the issue and prosecution of the criminals, especially at the pharmaceutical companies, like Pfizer, who is already known for many egregious criminal offenses, who ripped off the entire globe by weaponizing medicine against anyone who would dare to question a consensus that neither exists nor could exist.
"Doctors and ‘experts’ who got COVID policy wrong are asking for forgiveness. Their errors hurt children— resulting in massive learning losses— and caused broader destabilization to the economy, work life, social communities and more. Do they deserve forgiveness? And, why did they err in the first place?"
Forgive them for backing tyranny? No! They got paid for their devotion to a fraudulent narrative. It wasn't an error, it was a choice motivated by greed and narcissism.
We will forgive them AFTER they have served their prison sentences for assault, manslaughter, and murder.
Of course they should not be forgiven. They intentionally increased their power and abused it. This is not a matter of "we didn't know", it's a matter of "we didn't know, but we didn't care, we were going to force people to do what we told them to do because WE HAD THE POWER".
The powers that be are still trying to impose professional discipline on physicians that resisted Groupthink and took contrary positions like Peter McCullough, Dr. Kory, etc. It just seems to me that Galloway and his ilk are asking for what they would not grant others.
Yeah, Will's made a few comments which have led me to think he's woke. VP, you're exactly right: groupthink. I was sad to see so many doctors get caught up in it during the COVID racket. As we say in the South, he was "shucked-and-jived" by all the physicians who chose politics over clinical reasoning.
Nope. No forgiveness. #NoAmnesty #NoQuarter #NeverForget
Nope... no forgiveness. They will do it again . There needs to be accountability, No walk backs!!