I might suspect these senior "scientists" are actually unelected politicians living out their sinecures. Any contribution to science long past. Staying on likely harms the institution in that their example inspires juniors to follow the same political path. These so-called advisors promote policy that keeps their agencies funded, quite a conflict of interest.

I suspect those around Fauci knew where their bread was buttered. That accounts for much group think. Anybody who got in his way ended badly for them. If he has become emeritus, he still likely hold great power to make or break. Wonder how he will face the investigations? He does assume he is much smarter than the Congressional staffers so we shall see. The staffers may now have receipts.

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Silly me, I thought he was going to slither out quietly with his stock dividends from pharma, to avoid prosecution. He must know there's no prosecution coming...

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At what point do tax payers get a say in these legacy hold overs? And while Dr Fauci may need a security attachment why isn’t he paying for I out of his own generous salary?

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I rue for the days when our government actually served us. Clearly it is not the case today.

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The Deep State/Government has shown that transparency and truth are the two "T" words it avoids at all costs. Why this continues to be a surprise to anyone I find perplexing.

Sunlight makes everything, even bad stuff, something with which one can deal. The point of all of these people is to make sure that no one ever gets to see it deliberately so that it cannot be dealt with.

So none of this is surprising. Thanks for being one of the few academics to stand firm against much of the noise.

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This is how I feel about anything to do with Dr Fauci


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Well said Dr. Makary! I wish media would reference these sorts of SENSIBLE pieces in their nightly reports. I guess we can only wish! Until then we share! I would love it if you, VP & ZD would start giving your thoughts on excess deaths, is there other safety signals??, journal articles showing issues with the vaccine (fiddling with the immune system antibodies)...your thoughts on what is now amounting to a lot of studies...athletes, reporters, etc having "sudden" emergencies on air, etc ...its kind of hard to ignore at this point....it would be great to get some sensible opinions instead of "let's not talk about it" from the media at large.

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Jan 10, 2023Liked by Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H.

Thanks, Marty. I too want Fauci to be safe but we need transparency from our government. If Fauci is still employed, what is he doing and how much is being paid? Simple questions.

I have almost finished Scott Atlas's insightful book, A Plague Upon Our House. The extent to which Birx, Redfield and Fauci allowed their public words and positions to be influenced by politics was confusing and upsetting to Atlas, who came out of the university context of relative freedom of opinion. We were served far less well by our government medical establishment leaders. It is revealing and shocking. I hope that Atlas is finding good work to do back in California.

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Jan 10, 2023Liked by Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H.

Very brave Marty and I respect your integrity

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Thanks for your article. What I have come to see is that our government is exactly like the 70’s New York Mafia, but the Mafia was honest about their ways and intentions.

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Fauciosis is like a rash you just can’t get rid of.

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