As a retired pediatrician, I have been appalled by the AAP for decades. They virtually NEVER poll their membership for opinions, on issues like the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) but endorsed it with enthusiasm. Their position on affirmative gender dysphoria approaches is one of their worst. I do not buy the idea that they are influenced by support for the pharmaceutical industry. They are just plain reckless and never consider alternative views. They allow their positions to be influenced and guided by self-congratulating "experts". The COVID pandemic is an excellent example of the limitations of that approach. Unfortunately, most pediatricians are too lazy to be informed and to register their objections.

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These suggestions are like putting a cork into a dam that is built with porous concrete. It's like giving an analgesic to a pt with a broken leg. Get to the root cause and go from there. Yes doing that is muddy, murky, time consuming, offensive, etc. but until that leg bone is set all the analgesics in the world won't help.

BTW - adding fluff to words doesn't soften what they really are. It's call "fat". Sorry if that bothers you, but it is what it is. And while on the subject, the patient didn't pass away, he died and is now dead. SMH

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This is insane and scary!! Robert Lustig did a study where he decreased fatty liver in children by removing fructose. Shouldn’t we be looking at removing sugar especially sugars in drinks first before removing stomachs ? Diet before drugs and surgery.

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Many of the overweight children eat highly processed school breakfast and lunch and then eat what is in their house. Children do not choose their diet or activity level, the parents do, and many parents are handing down genes or learned behavior. I don't think very highly of UPSTF or AAP when it comes down to fixing what is generational and systems based.

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Especially when the solution is so simple. Stop feeding kids ultra proceeded foods! That’s it. Real food. Exercise too for health, but food is number one. But oh no, the Big Agro, Big Food and Big Pharma dominate in the US.

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I am a nutritionist and from my perspective the approach is all wrong. The issue isn’t with the kids, it’s with the parents. The parents want to be friends with their kids, not rule enforcers, not food and nutrition educators so kids get to eat whatever they want. Parents don’t want to change the child’s diet b/c that would upset them…it’s ridiculous but this is what is happening- parents have no control. We recently had guests at our house for four nights. Even though I prepared meals every night such as grass fed steak, salads and vegetables, they brought hot dogs for the 10 year old obese child to eat every night at dinner- she ate nothing else for dinner (they also brought plenty of junk food snacks for her) plus no table manners…so I’m sorry, the obesity issue in kids is not being driven by all the fast food available- it’s being driven by the parents not providing appropriate nutrition, rules/structure and education for their kids. And this is not just related to childhood obesity but also related to the host of mental health issues in kids. It’s so frustrating to watch that parents literally will not say “ sorry Johnny, dinner is in an hour so no chips and soda right now…” Healthy children start with a healthy home.

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

It's actually the same issue, Laura (and others). The weight->insulin resistance affects the endo system of the child in utero and in later stages of development, resulting in the sexual confusion. This is long known. They just don't want to articulate it publicly.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

I'm more educated on this segment of endo than you can think of being. I'm also politically astute enough to understand that such a study would never be attempted. We already know that fat women give birth to children that have fertility and cardiometabolic issues, but we don't articulate that. Imagine if we knew for certain (and we're VERY close), that the mother's behavior while pregnant and mothering (via diet) is affecting their child's sexual identity and orientation? You are trying to tell me that a fat young women w/facial hair and who is balding from her high insulin and testosterone...who is not attracting men...will not be tempted in the year 2023 to say she is LGBTQ. That's ridiculous. You don't even need a study for that. Humans take the path of least resistance, and that is it. Estrogen is the "beauty" hormone, and androgens in excess "ruin" that. If you are not feminine and beautiful, you are not going to think of yourself as a straight female. As a male, you don't consider such women female, either. You are just trying to be a contrarian. But yes, the study will never be done to show that gluttonous women make their children gay and unattractive. It's better to have more infertile couples, sexually confused people, cardiometabolically damaged people...to profit off of. To be activists for LGBTQ rights and healthcare for all (because they need so much). It's also better that people don't enter into traditional relationships and marriages so they are likely to stay poor and depend on gov't. So they vote for the party that hands out the subsidies.

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deletedDec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023
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What I am saying IS NOT political. I am just commenting on how this aspect has not been properly investigated due to politics. That's not ME being political.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

You are putting words into my mouth. I did not say "born with". I said IR is heritable. IR causes hirsutism and balding in women. Timing is everything in development. When the child is exposed to androgens determines what they look like, how they think, and how they behave. The question is when and if they were exposed. I actually have a trans person in my family (Baby Boomer), and I have a very good friend (that I grew up with) who is trans (Millennial). I also have had instructors who were trans, and have family friends of my parents who are trans. I mentioned overweight, IR, and high DHEAS as factors.

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Why tip toe around the elephant in the room of pediatric EBM? Let’s talk about what they’re doing to kids with gender dysphoria! Barbarism to the highest heights.

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Now Vinay you KNEW this would be suggested by AAP - those higher ups have pharma to answer to! There’s no money to diet and exercise unless we have the food industry involved trying to fatten up kids - so that - pharma and food - oh lord...might benefit? 🤦🏻‍♂️

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AAP - from what I have read is fully supportive of gender "reassignment" surgery. That should tell you all you need to know about that wicked and vile organization.

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70 year old semi retired pediatrician, resigned from AAP during Covid because of their asinine policies. I don’t know where the current committee members got their liberal, anti evidence based medicine attitude but it is definitely there. I call things like they are, if you’re overweight I use that term if you’re obese I use that term. Sugar coating things serves no one well. I have seen almost 2 generations growing up being told they are special and accommodations are made for them. The vast majority of kids are overweight because they sit on their butt watching a screen, eating the worst possible processed snacks. The lockdowns amplified this exponentially. Americans have been searching for a holy grail of pharmacy to lose weight for 75 years. There are those with endocrine and other maladies with excess weight as a symptom but that is a small minority. Deep fried twinkies and the ilk combined with sedentary lifestyle is the culprit. A pill and a knife with uncertain long term effects is not the answer.

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The AAP is simply following one of the iron laws of organizations---after a short time the organization is taken over those members that enjoy having meetings and writing rules and the original noble goals are subordinated to the bureaucratic processes of running the organizations and securing finances. I doubt that the AAP speaks for a majority of pediatricians. Last time I checked, the AMA had only enrolled about 10% of doctors in the US.

Beware of those who claim to promote public health. There is no such thing. Health is a highly individualistic matter and the collectivist thinking that is pushed by the public health groups is often detrimental to a whole lot of individuals.

Ditto for those who proclaim to practice preventive medicine. The USPSTF recommends diet and exercise to reduce childhood obesity. This common sensical advice is certainly known to any parent above the level of imbecile and is hardly a justification for the existence of an organization by that name.

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Your honesty and courage are appreciated and provide excellent guidance for those of us providing care to children.

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While I applaud the USPSTF's stance on obesity in children, a quick glance at their website tells me they, too, are captured by the Left. The clue that jumped out at me was the recommendations concerning estrogen for "postmenopausal persons." In the recommendation for children, doctors are discouraged from using words like obesity or overweight. The thought police are alive and well.

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another market to exploit without any concern for consequences, other than the drug companies' bottom lines

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Dr. Prasad I have been following and reading your articles since 2020 and have enjoyed being educated on medical reversals, studies and analysis that you offer. You have rightly been critical of the AAP its COVID recommendations and its collusion with politicians to push agendas and not better evidence. I know it’s a “third rail” of medicine right now but are you willing to offer analysis of the pediatric gender medicine debate?

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Gonna get interesting real soon with several detransistioners' lawsuits in progress, particularly the case against AAP's author of gender affirming standards of care, Dr Jason Rafferty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5cTpFzkQSs

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Probably the only way to stop the medical establishments condoned child abuse.

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