We have every right to continue to wear masks to protect our health and the health of our patients. Personal choice.

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You take it as a given that if a patient asked us to wear a mask then we all would. But why? Especially when that mask is almost certainly not going to be an N95? There is overwhelming evidence that standard surgical masks do little or nothing to reduce respiratory infection transmission. I understand that it is a quick, easy and, arguably, kind way to just get on with your day. But living these dozens of little micro-lies every day destroys our souls.

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You show me any mask that hangs on your face that can stop a virus I will show you how to get gold out of water! Basic science knows a chain link fence can’t stop a mosquito! Little on a paper or cloth mask that stops a virus!

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To me I walk into a doctors office I see a man wearing a mask I think he is hiding his intentions and try to be unknown later! He will say “It wasn’t me did you see my whole face how could it be me you didn’t see my whole face I rest my case Judge!”

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"Hiding your face from your attending and colleagues is one thing, but the more important questions is: what impact does wearing a mask have on our ability to provide outstanding patient care? How does it feel for our patients who are sick and alone in the hospital to never see a human face? "

This question raises doubts as to whether the author of this post really believes it is important for his face to be seen. Because for those who believe it's important, the solution has been around for a long time: transparent masks. There is a large selection of very different models of such masks on the market. If the author really cared about the problem, she would know it.

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Mind your own business, and how dare you presume to tell physicians or anyone else what to do with their own bodily autonomy? You don’t know their health problems, family situations, or how well read they are on the many ongoing risks of repeated Covid infections. Here you go, brush up on these 122 referenced studies:


Judge not lest you be judged yourself. And you’re probably creating a hostile work environment with your scorn.

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Gross to see all these “professionals” flouting basic disease control. Ya’ll prolly don’t wash your hands either

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In March and April of 2020 ,if my icu patient was awake, I would lift my mask briefly and hold my breath like a child while introducing myself.

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CDC EUA Surgical Masks, page 3, II : “Therefore, a surgical mask may not provide the user with a reliable level of protection from inhaling smaller airborne particles and is not considered respiratory protection. For this reason, surgical masks are not recommended for use in aerosol generating procedures and any clinical conditions where there is significant risk of infection through inhalation exposure.” https://www.fda.gov/media/140894/download?attachment

I first investigated masking in relation to wildfire smoke protection pre-Covid. It is hard to accept that the shifting and contradictory recommendations occurring in the few short months around Covid could be scientifically based.

How could masks that are not effective protecting against wildfire smoke, work on Covid?

My take: https://open.substack.com/pub/karlkanthak/p/is-public-health-creating-and-fostering?r=1n5j8w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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So why didn’t you enlighten him?

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One of my fellow ID guys was still wearing a mask until very recently.

They said it was “more comfortable”

The Infection Control officer doesn’t wear them and doesn’t come to work if ill.

Continued masking might be a form of PTSD.

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Saw my regular doctor (GP) the other day and he was wearing a mask, and said he was doing so because he "had a sore throat". I had quite a laugh! Also, it was an N95 with a gaping gap under the chin, so useless for small moisture particles ingress and egress (Boyle's Law, published 1662, demolishes most beliefs about non-tight masking). Anyway, occurs to me that GPs see disproportionately the old, the anxious, the germaphobe, and the hypochondriac, so no wonder they err on the side of performative pseudoscience. Hopefully it all settles down eventually.

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“I think most people agree that, in 2024, if a patient asks his/her doctor to wear a mask the doctor should do it.”

It’s incredibly impolite (at best) to ask someone to cover their face. Respectfully say no, this is the only dignified response and the only way out of this silliness. It’s the right thing to do. So do it.

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The following is a comment to me from a doctor here. I do not believe she is happy with the comments so far.

"I represent physicians just fine, thanks! And if I or anybody else wants to wear a mask, what skin is it off your back? You most likely have a personality disorder with your rigid views and judgmental opinions. We physicians dread your type, all fussy and throwing a tantrum about things. You’re the type that refuses a colonoscopy then freaks out when you get colon cancer. And then tries to sue everyone in the chart."

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A mask is inimical to a positive placebo effect in the doctor patient experience

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I think that wearing a mask is part of the moral obligation of doctors to do their job as well as possible and protect patients. I consider doctors who do not do this irresponsible and unfit for this job.

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