As a.layman with intense interest in what you present, thank you.

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Looking forward to see your critical scrutinize articles 👍

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Dr. Cifu, you make me want to sit in on med school. I don't want to be a doctor, I don't want to take the tests, but I would love to sit and listen to you and your colleagues and soak up everything my brain could hold. I'm glad you're here.

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I’m excited to read these articles!

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Looking forward to the series.

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The is very exciting. Thank you Dr. Cifu.

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Please do a (critical) appraisal of medical literature for dental x-rays!!!

I tried to find RCTs to support my dentist's recommendation that I get prophylactic x-rays despite being healthy and having no symptoms. I couldn't, nor could my dentist. But his staff still gawk at me like I'm an alien for questioning the virtues of prophylactically radiating my cranium without an objective evidence base.

I'd love to know if such an evidence base actually exists...

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that's a helpful source https://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info/safety-xray

as an overview... A 60 keV photon energy and couple mA current can knock down any chemical bond out there, a cascade of them actually. Ask how many people with bad teeth and enough money to effort dentists after years of 'safe end effective' radiation end up with cancer somewhere around the face/head area?? I bet there are many...

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I look forward to reading these articles. As usual, to me, the key to life and living is learning HOW to think, not WHAT to think.

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Love that you teach this to medical students. This along with the business of medicine are things that not enough students are taught when they spend 4 years in medical school. I am privileged to teach medical students year after year and talk to them about these areas. they always want to learn more but schools and residencies, in general, don’t provide them. I hope that more schools in the future will start to teach more than just basic sciences throughout their time at the schools. Thanks.

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Employing critical thinking sounds marvelous in all phases of life. It is like living in a survival mode where you don't get tricked by vested interests who only care about themselves. I don't think big pharma and the AMA are down with critical thinking because it would expose the tremendous corruption that now pervades the medical system. Good luck though.

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I'm still waiting here for somebody like you to offer constructive and piercing critiques of this thing called Composite Outcomes. Whether used in slick RCTs or in ordinary, observational, stamp-collecting "chart studies", this notion of drawing causal inferences after measuring variables named "Patient developed either Outcome A or Outcome B or Outcome C" really smells just funny as hell to me. Always has.

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I am filled with admiration and awe for the achievements of my academic colleagues who devoted their lives to teaching critical thinking within medicine. While they were writing and teaching some of us was seeing perhaps 300000 sick people and trying to help as a GP in a world of by necessity critical thinking because you could not afford to get it wrong ,we could not re-edit a day later. I dread to think how dysfunctional western medicine would be if it were not for their teaching and academic input. Come to think of it it is worse than I could have ever imagined over my forty year experience as a GP . Thanks academics for your service. Now you want to be paid for musing on your failing .

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Sounds excellent, loooking forward to the new series.


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