Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023

Edit: Just quoting the misinformation.

From The Guardian today, “Boosters, especially the updated bivalent boosters, are highly effective at reducing the risk of severe disease and death.” Same article - “I think the majority of people who aren’t masking today, just don’t know that they should.” Quote from Neil Sehgal, an assistant professor of health policy and management at the University of Maryland School of Public Health

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Just follow the money.

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I’m one of those “deranged” fundamentalist anti-vaxxers who believe that no one of any age should have been subjected to any of the various iterations of this “vaccine”. (To be clear, I have not always been anti-vax but there were so many red flags with these particular “vaccines” right from the start that I quickly re-evaluated my position and reversed course.)

Let me explain my logic to you as to my opposition to these vaccines including in the elderly. It’s simple really. Coronavirus is both preventable and treatable with inexpensive medications that are well tolerable, which eliminates the need for a vaccine. The fact that TPTB at the 3 letter agencies knew this is damning.

I have to cut this short. I was just informed that my 43 year old multi-vaxxed nephew just suffered a major stroke.

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Vinay, I'm precisely who this article is targeted towards. I'm a 20 year old male who was forced to take the Bivalent Booster. I have covidiots in my family who told me if I didn't get it, I wouldn't be allowed to visit elders in Hawaii with them. I resisted at first but then remembered that since I got the other booster and was fine, I'd be fine here. Now I'm having heart problems and chest pains. I tried reaching you by email but I guess substack will do the trick.

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I live in Hawaii and the idiocy here is off the charts.

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I can imagine. It's both full of boomers and democrats.

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"First do no harm."

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“First, do no harm...to Big Pharma.”

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Those words appear to mean less and less.

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023

Tell that to the University of California, a.k.a. your plantation masters, who continue to mandate.

Did you notice in their latest newsletter, they had the audacity to mention their prison vaccine study right next to their announcement of the mandate?

The line between the criminal and the citizen draws ever nearer.

You do realize that's how you establish a new slave class, right?

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Most college students aren't smart enough to find them and especially at UC, their parents would want them to get the vaxxes.

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I have a question. First of all, as a healthcare provider, I was so great full when our vulnerable patients were finally able to get vaccinated. My stress level went down immeasurable. When they did the original RCT with the end point being hospitalization and or death, wasn't their test group and control group very different than the folks that had faced the first wave without anything? Wasn't the reservoir of severely vulnerable people already gone? Did they test the both arms of the study for anti-bodies. Was there any chance that the randomization wasn't corrupted in some way? I ask these questions because I'm trying to square the reality of the ineffectiveness of the vaccine to prevent transmission with what the original study seemed to conclude. Perhaps it was mutation but could it have been more than that? The ability of the vaccines to prevent transmission was obviously null a few months after the role out to our elderly population. It was only several months after they were vaccinated that we began isolating PUI's again.

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

You have only to look at all-cause mortality in the original Pfizer RCT. 17 deaths in the unvaccinated group, 21 in the vaccinated group. The excess deaths in vaxxed were cardiac in nature. So the "excess deaths in vaxxed" info that's come out since should not be a complete surprise - the pointers were there right from the start.

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Thanks for another excellent post and your advocacy. I am dealing with this problem now with my 20-yo thrice injected daughter who had covid in July 2022 and probably in March 2020 just before the shutdown. College mandating bivalent booster by Feb. I have written to college president and VP of student affairs to no avail. Just sent off the Offit editorial and your article with Bardosh et al.

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go to a new school that doesn't require them. Period. Her future life depends on it.

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

Vinay when you take a hard look at BOTH sides of the risk/reward equation, you find that all-cause mortality is higher in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated. That turns out to be true in ALL age groups. So yes, vaccinated over-65s have fewer deaths from covid. How does that justify vaccination if more of them die from something else? https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/uk-age-stratified-all-cause-death?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=323914&post_id=95454593&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email and the elephant in the room - excess mortality https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/the-devils-advocate-an-exploratory?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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I don’t even know how to respond anymore with the politics of federal politics in medicine. I’ve been a very grateful person who benefited from medical care for a myriad of issues that, had I been born a mere 20 years prior, I would not have survived infancy. Now that we patients are now seen as consumers, government corruption has reached rigorous science and turned it into profit driven medicine, my trust in medicine as a whole has waned. I’m glad I was born when I was, got the care I needed, and spend as little time possible wondering what would have happened had I been born today in the corrupted business a large portion of medicine has become. As a person who worked in healthcare as long as I could I learned a few things I wished I hadn’t.

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This White House admin is burning down the field of medicine and the vast majority of doctors should rise up and fight back. This admin will be gone but so will America’s trust in its doctors.

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I told my 24 yr old son who is in grad school on a full scholarship that I would be fine with him not getting a booster of any kind after having the primary series and Covid twice even if it gets him kicked out and he loses his scholarship. This ship of vaccine benefits for him has sailed and why risk the harms that he would risk.

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