As always love the discussion on this platform! I particularly relate to Dr. Cifu and the need to go in even when not feeling well - it is such a hassle to reschedule patients. - my hard line is a fever but in all honesty have been in the hospital gutting out a fever on call. I enjoy his Friday reflections - they resonate in my Family Medicine world. Keep up the great dialogue all of you!!

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These conversations are outstanding! This platform is the modern iteration reminiscent of a 17-18th century coffee house or 18-19th c salon: I love the free debate, and to some extent a good range of topics. Lamentably, we spectators are limited to after-the-fact commentary. Even so, this is a very positive effect of the internet, which wasn't present a few decades prior.

Please don't stop!, And continue to broaden the range of issues on the agenda.

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The concluding bit about having to go in during COVID is funny to me, as I did a Transitional year in 2020-2021 and went at it full-bore, and then did my residency in Prev Med and Public Health and became a member of the laptop class on many days.

The conversation about what does public health do is a mix of “a ton of important stuff”, “some crazy BS”, and “nothing”.

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44:41 Vinay, there was a Japanese (I think) study where they swabbed people who tested positive and attempted to culture the virus from a swab. After about 5 days, they could no longer even culture the virus from the swab. If you can't culture from a swab, can you really get anyone sick? Don't necessarily need a randomized trial to even conclude that these tests are positive for longer than you're contagious.

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Great discussion. I’m GenX internal medicine doctor who avoids social media because of its tone and that no reasonable thoughtful dialogue can happen in 140 words .Canceling someone was much harder in 1995. You’re absolutely right Dr Prasad. I can not think of one platform of the X variety that’s worth my time. You’re a braver person than me stepping into that cesspool

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I loved Vinay's comments about how he tones things down in public. Explains a lot about his reserved nature when the commenters are like "No, they're not mistaken, they're an outright idiot!"


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Confucius said, "A true gentleman will not recommend someone simply because their words are pleasing, nor will they reject the well-intentioned advice of someone with poor character."

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Vinay, I looked up the woman who made the "F--- you thats how it's done VP baby" comment. She is a runner, a model, and likely has no degrees in biology. If she's gotten you cancelled and isn't even a pharmacist, that is EVEN WORSE.


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I think means she’s a paid* troll

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I'm wondering the same thing - a lot of her posts are celebrating COVID vaccines. Plus she's lying in her twitter title.

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PS - Dr. Cifu; hope you continue feeling better! No loooooooong COVID! 🤣

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Oh, yeah! How ‘bout we all just ignored the fact that Dr Cifu had CoVid because it’s so not a thing.

I’m jealous of Post CoVid Mania. I didn’t get that. And I think I want it.

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lol I sure got it! I sadly bought into some of the fear at first (I’m immunosuppressed), and the headache and fever were no joke but I was so happy it was DONE for round one. Many more will come I’m sure, but I suspect it’ll be a little less misery.

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It’s real!!!

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All I could think of was exactly what was hinted at - bc Vinay expressed his truth against the party line and could potentially “cost” Pharma that played a factor. I’m glad Vinay is himself. So sick of politically correct. And I never ever subscribed to it myself.

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Unfortunate not to always welcome a forum of scientific debate. Sounds like the APHA.

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Can’t debate you, gonna hate you. Their loss.

About testing...

I don’t vax or mask, but I do test. Here’s why:

Because I want to know my medical history. Each natural infection is a booster. I want to know what I’m immune to. Hypothetical: this Thursday is my sister’s birthday. Yesterday she had a fever. Should I cancel my flight to go visit her? Having relevant information empowers me to make a good decision.

Two members of my household both tested positive and were symptomatic one after the other about 1 month ago. I repeatedly tested negative and had no symptoms. Wouldn’t it be easier to figure this out if my sister also tested? If positive, I would go with confidence, also knowing I’m not going to get anyone sick on the way back. If she has something else, at least I know I’m not going to give her CoVid as well but the possibility remains that I could get what she has.

Information is power. I think we should each empower ourselves with as much information as possible but also be free to keep our medical information private, like in the old days... when it wasn’t anyone else’s business and it was taboo to ask. I’m not sure testing is the problem as much as it is this whole shift in attitude of entitlement to know other people’s private medical status. Vaxed or unvaxed. Positive or negative test results. Etc.

How about, we are each responsible for our own health? Testing helps me take that responsibility.

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Totally agree with testing for your own knowledge. I think Vinay would agree with not sharing the results with anyone.

The problem isn't the testing, it's keeping people out of work/school/etc. for a ginormous amount for Covid and letting kids come in sniffly with a cold or the flu or RSV. Either it's 24 hours after fever breaks for all of them, or I'm not giving the school any information at all.

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This situation is only hypothetical because I have two sisters actually and I’m not invited to the whole birthday rendezvous because one sister has alienated me over all this stuff and refuses to have contact; the New Agey Spiritual Liberal therapist sister. The one diagnosing everyone else with narcissism. It’s her birthday. The other has the fever and is Conservative Christian. She’s the peacemaker. All I can say is, it’s made me revisit the Bible. It sucks getting cancelled. And being made to pay for other’s bs (sins). And now I’m all “Help me Jesus!” Help me love and forgive. I get it now. The thing he was trying to teach. Because I want to cancel her right back. But I’m not 10 yrs old. So I suppose I should pretend to have more maturity.

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Dr. Prasad, I love your tone. Don't ever change. As regards the American Heart Association, if that is the organization I am thinking of, they are primarily fund raisers and that might explain their opining on topics that have nothing to do with heart disease.

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This was FABULOUS! I so enjoyed this discussion, and getting to see a bit more of the personalities behind some of the writers I most admire. Discovered you all during covid, and am most appreciative of your core humanism and laser-sharp critical thinking. Very much on team Sensible Medicine, and would love to see some of my own field (psychology) amongst your ranks!

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ETA: One other thought re: tone online. I’d suggest that the primary determinant ought to be what your GOALS are for those interactions. I found Vinay’s approach very well thought out & appropriate for his goals. For myself, at the current time, I’m primarily “using” social media to meet my personal needs for intellectual engagement and emotional connection, so my tone and “rules of thumb” are very much informed by those goals. Most of us aren’t clear on goals, so it gets very murky...

And Vinay, as a child psychologist, I share your *outrage* about toddler masking - it’s the piece of the pandemic I am STILL unable to let go! 😉

Thanks to you all!

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14:18 "Does aspirin have relevance in 2023 based on randomized trials in 1980?"

I don't know if it matters whether a pharmacist attends this (doesn't the doctor make the prescription?), but if a doctor walks out, I wouldn't want them as my doctor. Their political activism could damage my health if they aren't listening to the latest research.

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14:18 "Does aspirin have relevance in 2023 based on randomized trials in 1980?"

I don't know if it matters whether a pharmacist attends this (doesn't the doctor make the prescription?), but if a doctor walks out, I wouldn't want them as my doctor. Their political activism could damage my health if they aren't listening to the latest research.

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