I just watched your video on this and came here to say—if you ever secure start up funding for a new preprint server, I’ll help build it. I manage an institutional repository at an R1 and would love to work on something like this.

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Wear it like a badge of honor. Those are your battle scars. In this day and age, the more you’re censored the more bad ass you are and the more you’re trusted. Good job Vinay! Rankin’ high on the credibility scale!

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All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Who knew this would apply to medicine and science. And the same people clamor "follow the science!" We just never knew it was a new religion.

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

Vinay, a very significant question is whether they did this with direct pressure from the federal government. Dr Kheriaty and some others are currently in a lawsuit over censorship that was directed by the Federal government and have uncovered through discovery emails revealing explicit coercion by federal employees on Facebook employees asking them to censor viewpoints they don't like. If you are reading this please get in touch with him. if you need help with that let me know

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After a 35 year career in Internal Medicine, ID, Critical Care, HIV, which started with AIDS, I retired from Clinical Practice 2 years before COVID.

I’m despondent and fear the trust that used to be assumed has been irreparably damaged

I can’t imagine going back

No I find myself wondering, was anything true?

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VP keep up the good work!! You make it really hard for people to say things like censorship is just a “conspiracy theory” keep showing it.... it’s getting harder for those folks to look away and make some excuse.

You should check out a recent essay in The Free Press...Substack.... entitled “My Family was Hunted by Nazis. But I was Fired for ‘Defending Hitler’ “.....also highlighting a similar example of...it doesn’t matter if you are “in the tribe or “out of the tribe”...If you say something contradictory to the tribe... it does not matter… you will get censored or banned. Even if you speak reality and refuse to take off your science hat for politics… Censored. You are in the Progressive Democrat tribe (as is that essay’s author...in a huge way..) as you have often indicated & its happening to you & your lab. Kind of a wake up call.....😳

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When can the lawsuits start? It seems that the courts are the only option to rebuke and halt the blatant politicization of science, and Healthcare in particular. The erosion of trust in Healthcare is already damaged beyond repair. The only hope to rebuild is to root out the infestation of bias and lies by legal cease and desist. Can you take these preprint servers to court?

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URL to "COVID-19 vaccines: history of the pandemic’s great scientific success & flawed policy implementation" is missing.

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I hope I speak for many colleagues in expressing the sentiment that your indefatigable work is HIGHLY appreciated. You objectively assemble and quantify a wide range of problems on covid controversies, especially where the public health and political authorities have decided (with no transparency to the public) the covid narrative. Your papers, rejected or not, will be an archive for posterity. I appreciate that critical, disinterested analysis is the basis of your research.

I well understand the points you make, and have sensed the very biases that you've reviewed. I'm just a wee bit lazy to do the deep dive as you have been doing.

Yours truly, an unwavering fan. Cheers!

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Vinay Prasad

My only comment is (and pardon MY French): fuckers🤬

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