Great discussion!

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The internet gave everyone a way to see how different countries responded to the pandemic. You could find studies from other countries about masks, meds, immunity , etc (which were not being done by US agencies). Israel studies were even in the news reporting natural immunity and myocarditis. It boggles my mind how the CDC and FDA brushed these aside and not modify or gave better explanations for their response than “we want to give a simple message”. And to use studies like the immunity Kentucky study vaccine vs natural immunity as justification against the Israel data or Cleveland Clinic healthcare worker data was disingenuous. But they didn’t stop there. They censored those via Twitter and other outlets who questioned or proposed other actions even when you could see other countries enacting the proposed policy (the Barrington Declaration for example). I feel that it was the Agencies’ Distrust in the American people that amplified the American people’s Distrust in them.

Had to get that off my chest.

Great podcast. Keep them coming.

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Great discussion team! I think one way to sum up the discussion of Denmark v. US is...the public health apparatus of Denmark has earned the trust of their constituents, while the public health apparatus of the US has repeatedly earned the DIStrust of their constituents. Thanks so much, keep it all coming!

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I am sure the content is wonderful. I will keep hoping that you will post an autotranscription of the dialog for those of us who are visual learners and who do not have 49 minutes. We really hate to miss the content. The autotranscribers are cheap/free and while not perfect, have gotten good enough for virtually any transcription. We can elide over the errors...we see them every day in texts and such.

Many thanks

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