The Definitive Analysis of Observational Studies
Buckle up for this Study of the Week. It shocked me. You may never read another observational study in the same way.
The study question is red meat consumption and mortality. The results of this study, though, are not the exciting part. The exciting part is how these scientists went about studying the association between red meat and death. Yes. It’s the Methods!
Allow me an experiment this week. I will write about a fascinating paper. Then I will speak with the author and release our conversation later. You can assess how well (or poorly) a practicing cardiologist did analyzing a paper in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
The objective of this group, led by Dr Dena Zeraatker, from McMaster University in Canada, was to present something called a specification curve analysis.
I know what you are thinking: Mandrola, in the third paragraph, you start with specification curve analysis, a complicated term that we have never heard of. Worry not. I will explain why it’s so nifty.
Specification curve analysis is similar to a multiverse analysis, meaning it’s a way of defining and implementing all plausible and valid analytic approaches to a research question. This time in nutritional epidemiology.
Take a moment and think about the methods section of a standard association study. Say blueberries and rates of stroke. The authors of such papers will write that we analyzed the data in this way. In other words: one way.
But. But. There are, of course, many choices of ways to analyze the data.
Since most observational studies are not pre-registered, you can imagine a scenario where authors actually did a number of analyses and published the one that yielded an association with a p-value of less than 0.05.
A few years ago, I wrote about Brian Nosek, a scientist at the University of Virginia who brought together 29 teams of data scientists, to analyze one data set to ask one question: did European soccer referees give more red cards to dark-skinned players.
Nosek found that a) expert data scientists chose many different ways to analyze the single dataset, and b) about 2/3rds found a significant association and 1/3rd found no significant association.
This came as a shock to me. The cardiac literature overflows with association studies, but each one uses one analytic method. What if different scientists chose to analyze the data in different ways. The results, and the resultant media explosion, would be much different.
Here is what Zeraatkar and colleagues did. First they reviewed a systematic review all observational studies addressing the red meat-death association. In this section, they documented the variations in analytic method (for instance, the choice of model and co-variates).
Second, they then listed all defensible combinations of analytic choices (there were a lot) to produce an exhaustive list of all the ways the data could be reasonably analyzed. Think exponents: just 3 choices for five aspects of the analysis equals 243 approaches (≈35).
Then they applied the specification curve analysis to one specific database—the NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) from 2007 to 2014. The goal was to study the association of unprocessed red meat on mortality.
Before I tell you the results, we should set out that nutritional epidemiology is especially susceptible to analytic method. There are few if any randomized trials in this space.
This screenshot explains the specification curve method:
The systematic review (15 studies of 24 cohorts) yielded 70 unique analytic methods, each included different choices of covariates, different statistical choices, and different ways to group red meat exposure (continues vs quantiles, for instance).
The second step used the specification curve analysis of the NHANES data. They used all the analytic methods identified in the 15 primary studies from the systematic review.
Get this: based on the variation in possible analytic choices they calculated 10 quadrillion possible ways to approach the data.
That is obviously not possible, so they generated 10 random unique combinations of covariates. This yielded 1440 unique ways to analyze the association—basically, a random sample of the quadrillion possibilities.
They excluded about 200 analyses for implausibly wide confidence intervals and ended up with ≈ 1200 analyses. The picture is tough to see.
But here is the summary with words
The median HR was 0.94 (IQR: 0.83–1.05) for the effect of red meat on all-cause mortality. So that is not significant.
The range of hazard ratios was large. They went from 0.51 (a 49% improvement in mortality) to 1.75 (a 75% increase in mortality). Of all specifications, 36% yielded hazard ratios more than 1.0 and 64% less than 1.0.
As for significance at the p ≤ 0.05, only 4% (or 48 specifications) were statistically significant. And of these, 40 analytic methods indicated that red meat consumption reduced death and 8 indicated red meat led to increased death.
Nearly half the specifications yielded unexciting point estimates of hazard ratios between 0.90-1.10. When they restricted the analysis to women the results were similar. They found no other subgroup of note.
Then they did inferential statistics about the degree to which their findings across all specifications would be inconsistent with the null hypothesis (no association). All these p-values were high. Which means, assuming no red meat-mortality relationship, their specification curve analysis is not surprising at all.
I find this amazing work. It extends the work of Nosek et al because a) it studies a more biologic question—red meat and death—vs a social science question, and b) it uses a lot more than 29 different analytic methods.
The results also provide a sobering view of nutritional epidemiology. Of 1200 different analytic ways (specifications) to approach the NHANES data, only 48 yielded significant findings. The vast majority found no significant association.
I would extend this paper beyond nutritional epidemiology. I mean, every time we read an observational study, in any area of bio-medicine, the authors tell us about their analytic method. It’s one method. Not 1200, or a 10 quadrillion.
Now consider the issue of publication bias wherein positive papers get published and null papers not so much.
Take the example of this paper.
There were 40 specifications that yielded a favorable red meat-mortality association and 8 that yielded a negative association. Red meat proponents could publish a positive one; vegetarian proponents could publish a negative one.
One question I will ask Dr. Zeraatker is why can’t we force authors of observational studies to at least produce results of multiple analytic choices.
Until that happens, I would remain skeptical of non-randomized association studies.
Humility and the embrace of uncertainty is the best approach to observational science. This study strongly supports that contention.
To establish a cause/effect relationship requires experiment. For argument's sake, let's say some sort of change in nutrient content of meat caused scientists to suspect increased red meat consumption contributed to the global increase in obesity and diabetes. Evidence from animal experiments suggests that an arachidonic acid might be part of the problem.
Monogastrics such as poultry and swine have much higher levels of arachidonic acid in their fat and lean tissues than ungulates. The below narratives suggest a correlation between monogastric meat consumption and obesity/diabetes epidemic.
(2016) "The ω-6 series of fatty acids, which includes arachidonic acid (ARA, C20:4) and its precursor linoleic acid (LA), constitute a growing part of the lipid intake in western diets for the last 40 years. The first cause of this trend is the higher consumption of animal products. White meat especially provides the highest quantities of dietary ARA." (web search - Thomas Dietary arachidonic acid)
Excerpt from Page 56 of 'Omega Balance' by Australian zoologist Anthony Hulbert, PhD (2023) "The contribution of pork and poultry' to animal-sourced foods was 20 percent in 1961 and 41 percent in 2018…Between 1961 and 2018 there was a dramatic worldwide increase in the supply of fats from sources that have very low omega balances. Fat from 'pork and poultry' was greatest in North America for the entire 1961-2018 period, while for Australia and South America, the contribution from 'pork and poultry' was the World average level in 1961 and showed the greatest absolute increases (about 16 g) over this period to be similar to North America and Europe in 2018. There was negligible change in Africa over this period."
(2023) “Poultry meats, in particular chicken, have high rates of consumption globally. Poultry is the most consumed type of meat in the United States (US), with chicken being the most common type of poultry consumed. The amounts of chicken and total poultry consumed in the US have more than tripled over the last six decades… Limited evidence from randomized controlled trials indicates the consumption of lean unprocessed chicken as a primary dietary protein source has either beneficial or neutral effects on body weight and body composition and risk factors for CVD and T2DM. Apparently, zero randomized controlled feeding trials have specifically assessed the effects of consuming processed chicken/poultry on these health outcomes.” (web search - Poultry consumption and human cardiometabolic health)
I made up an information sheet consisting of the above narratives strung together along with excerpts from articles about arachidonic acid research and commentary. Our daughter and her husband, who own a fitness center, gave me permission to leave copies at the front counter for patrons to take home and read. The current manager recently told me that he and his fellow weight lifters were impressed with what I said about chicken meat. After shifting their major protein source from chicken to fish, all reported improved performance and less joint inflammation post workout. (web search - Hulbert The under-appreciated fats of life)
This confirms that it is impossible to analyze data without a perfectly defined hypothesis, itself developed according to a theory built on solid knowledge.