"Elderly", "Aged", "Old", "Fragile"...STOP!

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The UK all-cause mortality data has been normalized and standardized in order to compare various numbers of vaccine doses with the unvaccinated.

tldr; with time, ACM increases to several multiples for all vaccine dose numbers compared with the unvaccinated in all age groups. There is no Simpson's Paradox here.


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There are an awful lot of Gentiles, atheists and agnostics who need to atone too. Or if they refuse to atone, which seems very likely, they need to be forced to atone.

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I recently went on a cruise in which I met people from Australia, Oregon and Montreal. They were bragging about how many shots they had. 5 was the average. I am not a doctor, but it does not make sense to me to keep your antibodies at a high level all the time. It seems it would hurt your organs. I thank God every day that I live in Florida.

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Great article but it sure didn't help that every wacko, weirdo, crazy person jumped on the antivax bandwagon. Oddly in Canada it was the conservative provincial governments more than the woke Liberal government that brought in the harshest lockdowns in North America

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It also didn't help that rational people on the antivax bandwagon were labeled as "wacko, weirdo, crazy".

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"A friend pointed me to this excellent article by Dr. Meryl Nass entitled Negative vaccine efficacy keeps rearing its ugly head. Now Kaiser admits it.

Meryl has testified that the COVID vaccines are not “safe and effective.” As a result, the state medical board suspended her license to practice medicine. Because that’s just the way it goes."


Some people think that coercion of scientists and censorship of science is somehow a good thing.

I expect that some readers here have never heard of Meryl Nass before. She was on the vanguard fighting against the horribly damaging anthrax vaccine that was rolled out to the military (remember "Gulf War Syndrome"?). So Dr. Nass was subjected to a psych evaluation by her state medical board and now her license to practice medicine has been suspended. Do you see that the people who have done this are criminals?

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Looks like the panic mongering for the next pandemic has already begun.


Just trust the CDC and everything will be Ok. The CDC, NIH, and FDA did such a wonderful job this last time, with 205,000 more US working age deaths in 2021--the year of the covid vaccine--than in pre-pandemic 2019 and with 68,000 more US working age deaths in 2020, the first year of the pandemic, than in pre-pandemic 2019.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

We Now Have Clear Proof the Vaccine is Dangerous and That The CDC Concealed It

A Midwestern Doctor

Aaron Siri was finally able to force the CDC to relinquish their V-safe data, which showed over 10% of recipients suffered significant adverse reactions to vaccination. This article will explain why that is so important.


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Wondering if this essay has or will appear in Hebrew? E.g. Maariv?

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"25% Of People Who Received Covid-19 Vaccination Missed Work Or Reported A "Serious Event" Affecting Their Normal Life Functions, According To CDC Data"


This info is from the work of Aaron Siri's FOIA request. I'm really, really sure that the CDC hid the data "in our best interest."

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Tom, people with good immune systems who have either been vaccinated or who have had covid will have b-cells necessary to generate their own antibodies. People with poor immune systems would be less likely to generate their own antibodies without a booster.

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And, even worse, people with poor immune systems have trouble reducing inflammation after an infection has cleared.

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I don't know if you all have seen this.

"Alberta just inadvertently confessed to fiddling the COVID vaccination stats.

More than half the newly vaccinated deaths were dumped in the unvaccinated."


Even though the article only applies to Alberta stats, it seems that Alberta's practice is common practice everywhere.

So maybe, if you believe that covid vaccines protect against hospitalization and death, you maybe might have been played just a leetle bit.

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May your Yom Kippur be a meaningful one. Bless you for your courage and your clear-eyed thinking. The disease that infects our world today is the evil inhumane lobotomized censorious totalitarian response to the challenges raised by a novel respiratory virus.

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I don’t consider myself to be any more intelligent than most people I know, but I did finish first in my class, didn’t find it that hard (but I studied all the time), and I loved it all, so maybe I do expect more out of my colleagues than I should. That is an honest, non-bragging statement. I figured most other docs were like me.

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I when death is one of the possible side effects, I think that also speaks against mandating!

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Thank you for this heartfelt essay, your summary perfectly describes my (and many others') experience of the pandemic and our response, too (although, I am an unvaccinated Australian nurse). It's still hard to believe everything that has happened within the medical professions, and our greater societies, and I too remain concerned about whether or not we will learn from this appalling failure.

Dr Prasad, you say you remain supportive of the initial two-dose course for most adults who had not already had Covid-19 in early 2021 (which was almost all adults in Australia, given our border closures and severe lockdowns). Why? Why do you think you and those demographically similar to you, benefited from the initial course, especially with increasing reports of adverse events and increased excess mortality in many countries (which may or may not be related to the Covid-19 vaccine)? I am a similar age, weight and baseline health status to you (from what I can tell from your previous essays and podcasts, although I am female), and I don't see how the absolute risk reduction the vaccine provided (albeit fleetingly) was adequate to justify taking a rushed, poorly tested, new technology with unknown short and long term side effects. Your ongoing insistence on this point continues to confuse and frustrate me. If I've missed something, please help me understand your position.

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