I am curious what the doctors think of https://doctorsagainstgenocide.org/

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Seconding another comment, the determination of misinformation is broken in some parts of medicine. The community notes approach is roughly that of Wikipedia, isn't it? And Wikipedia is wholly unreliable for gender medicine, for instance.

For gender medicine, there are many incorrect articles in the literature. Often they don't even acknowledge systematic reviews of the evidence finding that the evidence is "threadbare" in the case of pediatric gender medicine and that not much more is known for adults. Even after the Cass Review's excellent summary and synthesis of the former last spring.

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“Consider this: 881 articles across the JAMA Network mention “misinformation,” yet not one provides empirical evidence on how to counter it.”

That is the problem. How do you determine what is misinformation? During the recent COVID pandemic most of the misinformation came from Big Pharma and their facilitators, the CDC and FDA. Any opinion, even from independent experts, was labeled as misinformation. “such as false claims about unsubstantiated adverse vaccine effects” It turns out most of the “conspiracy theories” were correct. These were not false claims, but were egregiously hidden from the public by the government with the support of social media, crushing all honest, experienced clinicians.

And they say “trust the science, because it is impartial”?. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am a well-recognized research scientist with more than 56 publications. Yet most medical research is controlled by Big Pharma and is biased using one of 4 methods: Suppression of all negative date; Study design to only show benefits; Using relative benefits (meaningless) instead of absolute benefits; and using association studies to prove cause and effect.

“trust the public”? Often 90% of the public is wrong, based on a society where our “truth” is really indoctrination to a political agenda, such as climate change. The editor in chief of the NEJM recently resigned because she could no longer in good conscious publish all the mutilated and biased research coming from the so-called medical experts. COMMUNITY NOTES appears to be just another, perhaps more sophisticated, approach to censoring the ultimate truth.

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Now I just need to learn how to use "X," any tutorials for old guys like me.

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Great reading. Thank you so much for your time.

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