Sensible Medicine is a shared site featuring the voices of leading physicians, scientists, and thinkers. 

The goal of Sensible Medicine is to showcase a range of ideas and opinions about all things bio-medicine. We feature contrasting ideas and opinions. The editors themselves will disagree with each other in posts. Once upon a time, that was how progress occurred, through dialogue. We work to nurture a home for this type of engagement.

The rules of Sensible Medicine are simple. If an article is signed -- The Editors -- the the editorial board take ownership of it. If an article is signed by an individual, then they alone take ownership of it. Please be open to ideas, interact productively and with respect in the comment sections, and avoid ad-hominem attacks. If there is an article that moves you to respond, please, by all means, do!

Submit ideas and articles to any of the editors by personal email or to

As brevity is next to godliness, please keep all submissions under 1200 words. A word limit is a limit, not a goal.

Wait, one more thing. We have merch. Well, actually just t-shirts. You can see VP modeling one in this video. The link to the shop is here.


John Mandrola, Cardiologist, Electrophysiologist

Adam Cifu, Professor of Medicine, General Internal Medicine

Adam S. Cifu MD

Vinay Prasad, Professor of Medicine, Hematologist, Oncologist, Health policy researcher

Vinay Prasad | The Epoch Times

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Common sense and original thinking in bio-medicine


Internist, professor, patient. Author: Ending Medical Reversal; Symptom to Diagnosis; Sensible Medicine. Podcasts: S2D & Clinical Excellence. Kind of perplexed. Loves baseball.
Hematology Oncology Medicine Health Policy Epidemiology Professor
Heart rhythm doc, writer/podcaster for @Medscape, learner, cyclist, married to an #HPM doctor. #MedicalConservative. The more you see, the harder medicine gets