No. New CA drugs will come on the market. Current CA drugs will still be used. There will be no significant increase in the quality or quantity of life. And your friend isn't suffering from an unbalance of life-work, it's he has a concussion from beating his head against a brick wall which he can't stop doing because he still believes in miracles.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

Option C: "No, government protection for pharma is too powerful."

If market forces were allowed to operate correctly, no one would pay $400k for a single dose of snake oil. Trials would be designed to tell the truth instead of designed to get more grant money. And let's do a RCT on the effectiveness/efficacy of drugs based on FDA approval status and see what shakes out.

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Drawing from the insights of renowned economist Milton Friedman, it can be stated that incentives play a crucial role in fostering a thriving society, incentivizing virtuous behavior, and triggering innovation. Therefore, to effect real transformation, it is essential to implement a comprehensive shift in the societal incentive mechanisms.

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Given what California is doing to persecute "holistic" doctors, anyone who cares about people in the next generation isn't going to become a doctor. Not in the USA at least.

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Why don’t we rewrite the mandate for the FDA to approve drugs so that they have to meet independently verified criteria from RCTs for safety and effectiveness? Take their independence.

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False hope: when big Pharma says they have the cure! And.....it will be 10 years before we get a result.

What a whole lot of bull.

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““What about the next generation?” I challenged him, “They are better””

The generation that eagerly thought masks could stop a virus, made elaborately choreographed Tik Tok dances to show how hard they were working in the hospital and advocated for kids to not go to school?

That generation?

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Perhaps Churchill was right, to paraphrase, “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing… after they’ve tried everything else.” Whether our economy can survive “everything else” is still in question.

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It's hard to predict 20 years into the future. 20 years ago the "non-junk" part of the human genome had been decoded and I thought then it might lead to many cancer cures in 20 years. That didn't pan out. But in 20 years, perhaps we'll understand the gene-regulating part of the DNA and be able to control or cure most cancers, and if that happens, these incrementalist games played in trials by pharma will become irrelevant. Science will cause the reform.

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less than a snowball’s chance

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Here’s my glimmer of optimism: all this corruption used to be known only to a small group of dedicated clinicians, like yourself. Now thanks to Covid related lies/corruption, millions and millions more people understand how broken the system is. We are much closer to reform than ever before - thanks to the astonishing loss of trust people have experienced with medicine!

More here, with Solzhenitsyn’s perspective as a useful starting point (yes, from the gulag… nobody ever said this was going to be easy):


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I agree that Covid exposed the general public to the manipulation that happens in Big Medicine (my term for Big Pharma + Big Med Tech, which can include Academia). Expanding the public’s understanding that manipulation occurs beyond the Covid fiasco would create a better informed society exposing the limitations of theses supposed “break through “ drugs.

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Your friend is spot on. The focus is on extending life and treatments not cure. There is no incentive for curing cancer, it is a trillion dollar industry. Millions of people would be out of a job.

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