Sensible Medicine is Here!
A newsletter for people interested in medicine, its subspecialties, health policy, outcomes, human biology, drug development, translational science, medical ethics, and science communication
Sensible Medicine is a shared substack featuring the voices of leading physicians, scientists and thinkers. We aim to showcase a range of ideas and opinions about all things bio-medicine.
The rules of Sensible Medicine are simple. If an article is signed by -the Editors, then all of the people listed below, our editorial board, take ownership of it. If an article is signed by an individual, then they alone take ownership of it.
Our goal is a showcase a range of ideas and opinions, and we may disagree with each other. Once upon a time, medicine involved deep and spirited debates. We hope to return to a vigorous dialog.
Our posts will range from the personal side of medicine, to policy analysis, to commentaries about trials, or studies, to the week’s news; We hope to cover all things bio-medicine.
We welcome guest posts. If you want to contribute, email us through this contact form
Sensible Medicine’s Editorial Board
John Mandrola- Cardiologist, Electrophysiologist
Adam Cifu- Professor, Internist
Vinay Prasad- Professor, Hematologist, Oncologist, Health policy researcher
Marty Makary- Professor, Surgical Oncologist
Camilla Alderighi - Cardiologist
Zubin Damania - Hospitalist, Science Communicator
Ioana Cristea - Psychologist, Meta-researcher
Leslie Hansen-Lindner - ObGyn
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The Dream Team !
This is going to be great!! I already know I’ll be referencing this a million times on my podcast!