Dr. Cifu!

This post is a little confusing. You've placed yourself on the opposite side of the mask wearers? Does that mean you have done a 180 flip on all of the Narrative positions? If that is so, could you please comment on what made you see the light? Your special insight on the transition could be helpful. We on the resistance side have had trouble coming up with an approach or argument that will convince Narrative supporters to discuss anything.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

Thanks for your honesty. I am an Anaesthetist/Anaesthesiologist in Australia and have wrestled and continue to wrestle with the same thing. I still get triggered when I see a mask in public being reminded of the many lies we were told, how my colleagues and the public swallowed the propaganda (because most was not evidence based), causing my inner rage at the injustices to fire up again. The worst is that so many have not learned from the mistakes made and would rather just move on instead - which I worry destines us to repeat the same ineffective totalitarian wargames we experienced over covid, and continue to experience in some places. For instance, our health network still won't allow unvaccinated employees to return to work, stating covid is a 'vaccine preventable disease'! This policy was modified as recently as late 2023! Another irrational policy (amongst the sea of them)- our state mandated masks for 4 months when we did not have a single case in the entire state! Someone tried to explain to me that was why there were no cases!

I am also furious at the need to censor this post for fear of the regulators.

As I write I wonder if it is me that is irrational or the perpetuating of insane policies like the above only make me feel irrational as I oppose the truly irrational!

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It wasn't a "wargame", Doctor. People died, not from the disease, from the measures put in place to combat "the biggest nothing burger to ever hit the airwaves", as I called it in one of the 24 hours of podcasts I did with Dr. Bhattacharya.

I've worked it out and the virus killed no more in the US than 60,000 total in the 3 years-2020, 2021, and 2023. Our government repeated the Johns Hopkins analysts who claimed 1.2 million died over those 3 years.

I'm not going to go over the hundreds of things that were lied about. I've written a book about it. You need to read it and the next two I am writing now. Here is the first one: https://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Villains-COVID-19-Book-Lists/dp/B0BKHQ7CWN/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CVqVSAS5_w5Xkk80qV0tsQvYhGhH4np_2Hof7_KEZNE.2AMx0CCdDmW32FmvM28mSKZgkX_JZ_oNDlMvdtvqmUk&qid=1704923813&sr=8-1

It lists who did what.

The one I'm sending to the publisher in 4 days (wait 3 days after that to buy it) is a much expanded version and with great analysis of" "My 16 Firsts and 4 Onlys", you'll walk away knowing something, perhaps for the first time. Yes, you are getting a reply from the only person who was right on everything from the beginning, was first on 16 major corrections of the experts and only on 4 (meaning I have proved something even the resistance doctors haven't acknowledged yet eg. We reached herd immunity to the Wuhan strain on January 11, 2021 without the help of a single person fully-vaccinated. I was also the first (posted on March 8, 2020) to derive the correct infection fatality rate of .1% for the Wuhan strain (it's 1/10 of that now, maybe) when the experts, WHO, CDC, China Medical, etc had it at 4%., 40x too high.

My third is entitled "If Only They Had Listened: How I Cracked the Most Egregious Crime in Medical History" with the word Medical lightly crossed out so you can still read it, implying it was the most evil in history, which it was. I'm already 3/4's of the way through that one.

You've got some reading to do, my friend.

PS: "How my colleagues and the public swallowed the propaganda" . No one should be able to lie to you about medical issues. You are a doctor. The docs who supported the nonsense are either not worthy of the moniker because they don't know anything or are unable to free themselves from their woke ideology.

PPS: Mistakes were not made. You're forgetting Sheftall's razor: "Never attribute to stupidity or incompetence what can easily be explained by malice. (and, no, I don't have it backwards)"

PPPS: I'm not sure what Dr. Cifu is saying in this post. He was a strong supporter and perpetuator of the government Narrative in his podcasts. He was against using HCQ and IVM but for Remdesivir. He said hospitals were filling up. That was never true. Even in NYC, the white Mercy ships, brought there to help with the anticipated overflow, turned around and went home without treating anyone anyone). He was for vaccinating everyone including children, etc. (he once took the "vaccinate children"- side in a debate on maybe this channel but definitely on substack. Is he now saying he was against those things? Maybe he educated himself and flipped on all of it. If he did, he should come out and say he was wrong and list the things he was wrong about. But he never says that in this post. I'll ask him in a comment.

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So many good points you raise in your wise comment, Brian. Thank you! I don't believe that you are irrational at all. It seems to me like easy black/white thinking/behaving is at least part of the issue? Surely there's plenty of grey area between extreme, linear approaches. Yet, most people, and certainly those in positions of 'authority' are unlikely to consider them.

Some people... have serious health issues where masking in public is the wisest choice for them. Mostly, they stay home and away from everyone because if they catch almost anything, it can quickly become serious, even deadly, for them. They surely are not aiming to trigger anyone who's angry about masking. Just trying to stay safe themselves. Peace!

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Thanks Suz-an. I certainly don't think mask wearers are deliberately trying to trigger me, nor necessarily doing it to virtue signal. The triggering is an unfortunate personal side effect for me from having masks shoved down our throats for so many years despite the evidence against their efficacy and well documented harms. Also, 4 months of mandated masks during zero cases showed me it wasn't really about their efficacy or public health.

I agree with you about the grey areas we should have considered, but unfortunately I believe the politicians/policy makers both don't think we are smart enough for any nuance and can't claim to be our saviours with anything less than the extreme measures we encountered.

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Adam - I find my own lack of equanimity troubling too. As someone who reads a lot of medical literature each day (I’m a medical educator), there was a definite swing in papers from trying to find the truth to protecting the party line. Asking questions became somehow subversive. Once a scientist develops enough hubris to not admit that they’re wrong, or that they could possibly be wrong, they’ve stopped doing productive science.

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"The Deadly Rise of Scientism" is a well distilled article by a doctor who has been writing about issues related to medicine, science and the pandemic. https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-deadly-rise-of-scientism?r=teubg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web. Very much worth reading.

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Thank you for the link. As you wrote, very much worth reading. I kept on reading several of his other articles---all very good.

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I wonder if the doctor that walked out on me in a huff because I said I didn't want to be a guinea pig with the "vaccine" in early 2021 is having similar thoughts to yours. I wouldn't know though. I haven't been back.

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I read this with a keen sense of hair standing up on my neck because I feel the same way. I want to let go of this, but my feelings have fomented (perhaps fermented) into anger. I'm angry at public health officials from Francis Collins on down. I'm angry that our lives were upended by nothing that resembles science in any way. From social distancing to closing schools, to driving people out of work, to the continued campaign to inject everyone with a vaccine that, on is merits, does more harm than good---I don't really know that "making peace" with it is advisable. Perhaps we are best on our guard against the charlatans and tyrants.

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Mark. If you were on the Narrative side like Dr. Cifu, you must offer an apology to the innocent people the Narrative policies destroyed and even killed. If you don't, this thing will follow you forever.

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Johns Hopkins just reinstated masks in all their health care facilities. They are the primary provider where I live. I have an appt at the dr in two weeks. I don’t think I can do it. My blood pressure is going to be through the roof.

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I would drop them as your PCP. Search out independent doctors who are not part of a health corporation (which even the Academic schools are these days). I have found these corporate health systems have their own mantra that leaves little room for doctors to practice the art of being a doctor. They can't stray from the script. It's killing us as a society! Get us on life long medicines rather than looking at the root cause of chronic health issues.

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Excellent advice. I was in private practice for many years at a large community hospital that was affiliated with a university medical school. Fortunately I was able to retire soon after they went corporate. I continued doing ECG interpretations for the hospital for several years but stopped in 2020 when they started mask requirements. I wouldn't go near the place as a patient now.

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Jan 12Liked by Adam Cifu, MD

You sell yourself short. You are certainly rational - here and always before. That you have emotions or struggle to pull your experience into agreement with your understanding (rationality) does not negate your ability to observe, assess, and deal with the facts.

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If you haven’t seen this yet, it’s pure gold.


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yes the coordinated effort of pharma and governments shines through that montage. Please keep that video going around! It says it all. 1984 in living color! Remember this when voting and I suggest, be wary of any THE MSM telling you how to vote.

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Oh my goodness!!!!! I had not seen that video and I am unsure whether to laugh or to cry.....

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I was just thinking this yesterday as I was interacting with a colleague who was wearing a mask again. She told me “I’m tired of my patients getting me sick”. What?? I really struggle to not be judgmental of everyone I see in the grocery store, in the airport, at work. I work with an MD who co to use to wear an N-95 covered by a cloth mask everyday...to this day. We broke people.

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It’s like they forgot they ever had a cold or flu prior to 2020.

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It is difficult for a traumatized individual to think “rationally” about circumstances that caused them trauma and horror.

It was comically and stupidly traumatic to have an elderly woman jump around and scream hysterically at me and my kids, “Six feet away! Six feet away!” while we were walking in our neighborhood.

It was deeply hurtful that my in-laws refused to see us in person for nearly a year, knowing how special they are to my children. They never apologized for the absurd things they did and said between 2020-2022.

Today I am feeling very depressed because I am completely cut off from most of my friends and family since leaving Facebook due to censorship and all the hatred two years ago and haven’t used Instagram in several months either. Generally my mental health is better without social media, but sometimes the sense of disconnect and isolation is overwhelming. I’m still angry too, angry with the government, with the tech companies, with the UN & WHO driving government and tech company policies, angry with my friends and family that went along with all the stupidity, who pretended they were good and loving people, while abusing and wishing death upon others who just wanted to keep their businesses open so they and their employees could pay their mortgage and grocery bills.

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I am feeling like we all need to hold ourselves accountable for mistakes that we may have made,even if those mistakes were made honestly...but not sure where that begins...mostly I see doctors shying away from honest conversations

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Yeah they got me for about two weeks.

But I knew Fauci from HIV and didn’t trust anything he said. I didn’t need RFK or Alex Berenson to tell me. I already knew what he was and wasn’t surprised by what he did.

I knew proper Pandemic management and knew what they were saying was not only wrong, but dangerously wrong.

But I could only sit back helplessly and watch Public Health nearly bully our hospital out of business and damage my grandkids anxieties while the elected leaders of hid under their desks in fear.

Some Doctors are still wearing masks to the dining room and pulling them on and off between bites of food.

You are correct. It’s insane.

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One among so many things about that whole episode that leaves me really disturbed is that a guy like Fauci can lie so consistently and brazenly TO A PRESIDENT without any consequence.. The consequences of those intentional lies rise to the level of treason in my opinion. It's not whether you liked Trump or not, the fact that ANY bureaucrat can lie with such brazen malice to ANY president has the noxious whiff of treason to it. Seems like there should be at least some remedy or punishment for that. But nope, it is as if even government employees WHO ARE PAID TO ASSIST IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST are just as free and venal as any outside lobbyist. Sure, a lobbyist or ambassador or whatever can walk in and talk lies to a president, that is probably their job. BUT FAUCI IS A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE. Same goes for the FBI head and all the other duplicitous snakes "advising" presidents. Many of them mislead with the same malicious intent as a Kremlin KGB agent and perhaps more effectively and yet we rarely see consequence.

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The cognitive dissonance generated by the awful realization that your comparison to the Kremlin is accurate staggers me.

But I’ve known it for a long time.

Fauci goes all the way back to the Anthrax Hoax and DARPA. It’s well-documented by Glenn in a recent System Update as well as his work at the time for, I believe but I could be wrong, The Guardian.

That knowledge and the fact that at UNC Baric was working on Coronaviruses in 2006, makes it all the much clearer and frightening.

We are forced to watch the Government brazenly eliminating at least two Presidential Candidates and being told your life will be destroyed if you try to do something about it.

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Bravo!! If only we'd all been so clued into this stuff back when you were. Didn't really get what Glenn was trying to convey for a long time. My 'inculcated' (as Glenn would say) brain wasn't ready for his (or RFK Jr's) truths till a couple of years ago... and by then, we'd had 5 jabs. Quarantined, sprayed alcohol on everything, washed groceries from curbside orders, set mail or pkgs out in the sun and then in a room for a few days before touching... yadda, yadda. Ignorance... is really dangerous.

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And no criminal consequence for ANY of the perps. They are still fat happy living with respected status (in their own cocoon of people, which are the only people they associate with because they look down on their inferiors which they think of as lab rats). And most of them have been made fabulously wealthy for their crimes. Meanwhile the "helpful gestures" they extended to the psyop targets during the controlled demolition of the bio attack are in the end hastening an even worse looting and collapse, as designed. I am referring to all those UNFUNDED checks they were handing out to "tide us thru" the disaster they created. When we couldn't work etc because of the lock downs and the nonsense the Feds & governors would send us checks occasionally to "help us". It had the ironic and paradoxical effect of making the perps look like the benefactors. Governors for example who were at the tip of the spear implementing the psyop would be re-elected because the peeps were persuaded they were "the good guys" because they sent constituents some checks. The governor of my own state comes to mind. MORE dependence on our betrayers but more ominously more stimulus to hasten a collapse. Just keep printing money and it devalues whatever it is you've worked your whole life to own at the present. I'm absolutely certain that the architects of the likely money collapse have war gamed that also to make sure that when you're forced to liquidate what little you have left to get a few more groceries Blackrock etc will be ready to swoop it all up at fire sale prices. Of course you can lease it back from them on their terms. They want to end private property along with private body sovereignty. The doc "The Great Taking" comes to mind. They want EVERYTHING, including control of your soul

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Thank you. I have tried to stop thinking about the absurdity that was the Covid times - it makes me so angry.

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I have to appreciate your vulnerable honesty. Makes me feel less “stupid” because I’m immunosuppressed and not only had a friend shop for groceries for me but I sprayed everything down with bleach. 🤦🏻‍♂️. I also remember very early on believing it was airborne and masked way more than I ever would today. I have to guard my wandering mind as well, so I don’t wonder if this is the preface of the evil elites who will release “the REAL ONE” next while we have our guard down. I don’t REALLY think that way. Mostly not. Thanks for - as always - allowing us into your thoughts.

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